Carl Edward Hansen was born and raised in rural Alberta and Ontario, Canada.
He holds a BA degree (1965) from Eastern Mennonite College and graduate
degrees from Goshen Biblical Seminary (M. Div., ...ver maisCarl Edward Hansen was born and raised in rural Alberta and Ontario, Canada.
He holds a BA degree (1965) from Eastern Mennonite College and graduate
degrees from Goshen Biblical Seminary (M. Div., 1971) and Fuller Theological
Seminary (Th.M., 1985). He was united in marriage with Vera Dorothy King in
1964. Together they raised a family of four daughters while serving as missionaries
in Eastern Africa for more than thirty-two years.
Carl served, first as a high school teacher at the Nazareth Bible Academy from 1967 to 1970, and
then as director of a development project in Ethiopia from 1972 to 1975. Between 1975 and 1984,
he served as a pastor in Tofield, Alberta. Carl and Vera returned to Africa in 1985, giving direction to
a rural community development project in western Kenya, then teaching at the Daystar University in
Nairobi until 1995. In January 1996, Carl and Vera returned to Ethiopia to assist the Meserete Kristos
Church in establishing its Meserete Kristos College, now Seminary. They retired to Harrisonburg,
Virginia in 2011.
In retirement, Carl and Vera continue raising support for the seminary in Ethiopia while enjoying
their grandchildren and great grandchildren.ver menos