Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Albert"
The meaning of "Albert" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Albert Einstein one of the greatest minds of all times who rocked the world which his theory of relativity to change our understanding of the universe.
Synonyms of "Albert" and their differences
Translations of "Albert"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Albert Speer という人物を知ってますか?ヒトラー内閣の大臣で、建築家、ヒトラーが最後ドイツを壊滅させる作戦に異議を唱えていたことなどで、戦争裁判で死刑を免れた。今日テレビ番組で彼のことを紹介して興味を持った。全員がヒムラーのような人物かと思っていたが、そうでもなかった。
Other questions about "Albert"
As I recall, after Albert arrived at E=mc^2 on his own, he subjected himself to a huge amount of studying. It was about a very advanced mathematics for that time. He continued to study it patiently, wondering what kind of creature would emerge if he threw his beloved son, E=mc^2, into that boiling pot of that mathematics called Riemannian geometry. Ten years after his initial idea, a very simple equation landed in his hands. Over time it left the hands of its creator and gave rise to many other things. It was not only the solution to various problems that could not be explained by the old physics. It also became the matrix for viewing the birth of the universe, its present state and its future. soa natural?
Albert sleeped too much,so he ran to the bus station,when he arrived,the bus drived away!!!so he ran to the school,when he arrived,He forgot his home work!!!finally he finished his unlucky day.when he went home,he forgot his key. soa natural?
Albert sleeped too much,so he ran to the bus station,when he arrived,the bus drived away!!!so he ran to the school,when he arrived,He forgot his home work!!!finally he finished his unlucky day.when he went home,he forgot his key. soa natural?
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