Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Dreams"
The meaning of "Dreams" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Sweet Dreams?
It basically means "Good night."
or "I hope t
you have sweet/good dreams."
or "I hope t
you have sweet/good dreams."
O que significa Dreams come true together.?
O que significa "Can you let it pass?" in "Dreams" by Brandi Carlile ?
Listening to the whole song, I would imagine it means this "love" phase. Let this phase pass.
Don't "hold your breath", "count to 10", "let it pass", are things you say when you don't want to succumb to your emotions.
Don't Hold your breath is don't expect an answer. So hold your breath would be wait for one.
Count to 10 is generally when a kid gets angry and the parent tells to count to 10, or wait.
Let it pass, is allow it to end.
While the next phrase, "keep it in" has a sexual connotation...
I don't know any similar phrases in japanese but I'd imagine there are a few.
Don't "hold your breath", "count to 10", "let it pass", are things you say when you don't want to succumb to your emotions.
Don't Hold your breath is don't expect an answer. So hold your breath would be wait for one.
Count to 10 is generally when a kid gets angry and the parent tells to count to 10, or wait.
Let it pass, is allow it to end.
While the next phrase, "keep it in" has a sexual connotation...
I don't know any similar phrases in japanese but I'd imagine there are a few.
O que significa sweet Dreams ?
It basically means "good night" in another saying/word
Synonyms of "Dreams" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Dreams are more than simply a replay of what happens during the day. e Dreams are not simply a replay of what happens during the day. ?
They mean the same thing
Qual é a diferença entre Dreams come true e Dream comes true ?
Plural dreams, singular dream. Both reflect their potential realization/happening.
It’s really subtle, but I hope your dream comes true that you can have a dream come true.
The come is a shortening of become. So become/becomes. I know that’s not extremely helpful- but unfortunately I don’t know the strict rule as to why it is this way
It’s really subtle, but I hope your dream comes true that you can have a dream come true.
The come is a shortening of become. So become/becomes. I know that’s not extremely helpful- but unfortunately I don’t know the strict rule as to why it is this way
Qual é a diferença entre Dreams do come true e Dreams come true
the first sentence is an affirmation and the other one is not.
the first sentence is an affirmation and the other one is not.
Qual é a diferença entre Dreams come true e Dream comes true ?
I hope my dream comes true.
I hope my dreams come true.
Dream = singular (1)
Dreams = plural (>1)
I hope my dreams come true.
Dream = singular (1)
Dreams = plural (>1)
Translations of "Dreams"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Dreams are everywhere. Is this natural?
Depend on the context, but yes, it looks natural.
Dreams are everywhere.
Dreams are everywhere.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? Dreams do not end
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "Dreams come true" or "Dreams become true"
dreams come true
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Sweet Dreams
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Other questions about "Dreams"
Which sounds natural, 1 or 2?
Dreams may be warning us [1.of / 2.about] the future.
Dreams may be warning us [1.of / 2.about] the future.
@nkyma about! you can also use ‘of’ but ‘about’ sounds better.
Which sounds natural, 1 or 2?
Dreams may be warning us [1.of /2.about] the future.
Dreams may be warning us [1.of /2.about] the future.
Either sounds natural but I would say 2. about works best here!
Which sounds natural, 1 or 2?
Dreams may be warning us [1.of /2.about] the future.
Dreams may be warning us [1.of /2.about] the future.
2 is more common, but both are correct
Dreams you can't bring up sober are all pathetic. soa natural?
Dreams that can't be told in sober are pathetic!
Dreams that may come true – is it natural?
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