Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Jeeves"
The meaning of "Jeeves" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa "Jeeves, where's my solid gold blimp?"?
Kim is joking about how nice the perks are at Jimmy's new job. She doesn't get an apartment or a company car, even though she's been working at a good firm for a long time. A blimp would be an even nicer perk. A solid gold one would be impossible, but theoretically even fancier. And then she's implying that he has two of those; that's why he can say "not that (solid gold blimp), the other one!"
Other questions about "Jeeves"
Is Jeeves and Wooster still popular in the UK?
Is Jeeves and Wooster still popular in the UK?
The books are a little dated now, though sometimes they are made into TV shows.
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