Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Medical"

Synonyms of "Medical" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre Medical practitioner e Doctor ?
A: A "doctor" is someone who has certain medical or academic qualifications.

You can become a "doctor of medicine" (also known as a physician or "Medicinae Doctor" – which is usually shortened to "MD")...

OR you can become a "doctor of philosophy" (also known as "Philosophiae Doctor" – which is usually shortened to PhD). Despite the term "philosophy", it's possible to become a doctor in virtually any academic subject. For example, you can become a doctor in biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, sociology, linguistics, etc.

The term "doctor" basically just means you have reached the highest level of qualification in your chosen medical or academic field of study.

A medical practitioner is basically a doctor/physician who practices medicine.

In this context, "practice" means to actively work in the field of their expertise. If you are a lawyer who "practices" law, it means you regularly take on legal cases and do legal work. If you are a doctor who "practices" medicine, it means you actively perform duties of an MD (e.g. diagnose and/or treat illnesses).

Note: a surgeon is an MD who performs operations (i.e. physically operates on organs / internal parts of your body). Often the term "physician" excludes surgeons whereas MD and Medical Practitioner include surgeons.

Note: if someone says "doctor", usually it means "medical doctor" (MD) unless otherwise specified. So, for example, if someone says "I am a doctor" it typically means they are an MD, but if they say "My name is Dr. Smith" (Dr = doctor), then it is not clear if they are a medical or academic doctor.

Other questions about "Medical"

Q: Medical report of Bruno da Silva Costa

Bruno is a 28-year-old patient with rheumatoid arthritis (CID-10 M05.8). Diagnosis confirmed by the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology criteria: symmetrical cumulative polyarthritis of small and large joints, fever, morning stiffness, initially positive rheumatoid factor.
Onset of symptoms in 2014, having started treatment in this clinic in March 2015, with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and hydroxychloroquine. In July 2015, the hydroxychloroquine was replaced by methotrexate 15mg/week.
In July 2017, together with methotrexate 20mg/week, the use of leflunomide (Arava) was started.
He presents a favorable prognosis, with the disease activity under control, without radiological signs of bone erosion.
He is fit to travel, without restriction. soa natural?

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