Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Philosophy"
Synonyms of "Philosophy" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Philosophy is closely related to mathematics. e Philosophy is closely associated with mathematics. ?
Related and associated have very similar meanings but they basically mean that something is related to or connected to something.
So both related and associated in that context is correct but it is more natural to say related.
I hope this helps!
So both related and associated in that context is correct but it is more natural to say related.
I hope this helps!
Translations of "Philosophy"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Philosophy
upper midwest US accent, but not very strong
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? Philosophy
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Philosophy
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? ・I'm interested in Philosophy. ・Are you interested in Geography?
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Other questions about "Philosophy"
our Philosophy and values come/ Manifest through our action and words naturally.
how does it sound?
how does it sound?
"Our philosophy and values naturally manifest themselves through our words and actions."
In English, we happen to use "words and actions" enough in writing that it feels more natural in this specific order.
Just like how we usually say "Mom and Dad", instead of "Dad and Mom".
"His words and actions are authentic."
Good philosophy 😄
In English, we happen to use "words and actions" enough in writing that it feels more natural in this specific order.
Just like how we usually say "Mom and Dad", instead of "Dad and Mom".
"His words and actions are authentic."
Good philosophy 😄
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language..
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Philosophy, is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. soa natural?
A lot of the words are slurred.
Philosophy often teaches us the importance of reflecting about the world and ask why. Be careful with what seems obvious. Obviousness may sometimes be wrong. soa natural?
You could also say, "Philosophy often teaches us the importance of reflecting on the world and asking 'why'. Even the things that may seem obvious can be wrong." I'm sorry for changing the order around, but without the entire context the transition seemed a bit forced.
How much do you study Philosophy in your country?
In Italy we start studying Philosophy in some high school at the age of 15-16. Than you can study it at university.
In Italy we start studying Philosophy in some high school at the age of 15-16. Than you can study it at university.
In Ireland, we don't study philosophy at school but you can study it at university. I think it's a shame!
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