Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Ritual"
The meaning of "Ritual" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Ritual?
An act performed regularly for religious reasons
O que significa Ritual baths?
Synonyms of "Ritual" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Ritual e Ceremony ?
ritual: 仪式, ceremony: 典礼, ritual一点信仰,还“咒语”,你知道吗?
Qual é a diferença entre Ritual e routine ?
They are similar, but the feeling of each is a little different. A routine is something you do on a regular basis: for example, if my morning routine is to wake up, brush my teeth, shower, and make coffee, and I do all of those things every morning, that is a routine. This might mean that I always do those things in that order, or maybe sometimes I make coffee before brushing my teeth, but this is always "my morning routine."
A ritual usually implies an action that is always done the same way and can't or shouldn't be changed (or would be very hard to change). For example, if I absolutely could not go to work if I didn't wake up, brush my teeth, shower, and make coffee in that specific order, that would be a ritual. A ritual is usually very important (to you or to your community or culture), and you might hear this in the context of "religious rituals" for example.
A ritual usually implies an action that is always done the same way and can't or shouldn't be changed (or would be very hard to change). For example, if I absolutely could not go to work if I didn't wake up, brush my teeth, shower, and make coffee in that specific order, that would be a ritual. A ritual is usually very important (to you or to your community or culture), and you might hear this in the context of "religious rituals" for example.
Qual é a diferença entre Ritual e Rite ?
According to the dictionary, both are synonyms :)
Translations of "Ritual"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? Ritual
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Ritual
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