Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Shadows"
The meaning of "Shadows" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Shadows of past projects?
yup, as simply as "bad memories" , "bad experiences" , or "same mistakes"
Synonyms of "Shadows" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Shadows are bing cast on the ground e Shadows are casting on the ground ?
@Ri-na We don't say the second one like that.
Shadows are being cast
It was casting a shadow
The trees cast shadows on the ground
Shadows are being cast
It was casting a shadow
The trees cast shadows on the ground
Other questions about "Shadows"
Shadows は普通複数形?
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Shadows in the ghost town. soa natural?
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Shadows. Shadows everywhere. We are playing a game of shadows where no one is what they say they are soa natural?
Thanks :)
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