Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Shinto"

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Q: Shinto is an indigenous religion and Japanese gods are enshrined and there are 800million gods exist in Nature in Shinto.

For example, the most famous god of Shinto is Amaterasuoomikami who is a virus of the sun. Other than that, there are lots of gods exist in Shinto, like god of wood, god of wind and so on. There isn't a doctrine, founder and bible that lead us to do particular things.

Buddhism is a region that's introduced to Japan via China by an Indian guy about 1500years ago.

They enshrine Indian gods like Buddha.

The basic of the teaching is reincarnation and karma.

Shrines belong to Shinto and Temple belong to Buddhism.

We can't see gods in shrines, but we can see gods as a statue in temples.

Additionally, the way we pray between Shinto and Buddhism is different.

soa natural?

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