Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Unbeknown"
Example sentences using "Unbeknown"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Unbeknown to me .
It is used when talking about something you did not have knowledge of happening.
"Unbeknown to me, my son had been smoking" - meaning, the son was smoking, but the parent did not know about it.
"Unbeknown to me, my son had been smoking" - meaning, the son was smoking, but the parent did not know about it.
Other questions about "Unbeknown"
Unbeknown to me, the rumor about my disease was spread among my colleagues. soa natural?
Sounds okay to me for UK English.
In US English, you should change "unbeknown" to "unbeknownst".
In US English, you should change "unbeknown" to "unbeknownst".
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