Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Badge"
The meaning of "Badge" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa badge up?
after you have been arranged a badge be given to you and you are wearing it...
after you have been arranged a badge be given to you and you are wearing it...
O que significa blue badge?
A blue badge in the UK is a permit that allows people to park their vehicles in disabled sections of car parks (so they are disabled or drive for someone disabled)
However, a Blue Peter Blue Badge is an actual badge given out on a British TV show called Blue Peter to children that write in with letters or poems and things. (A gold badge is also given to a few people each year that are role models for children or have acted bravely)
However, a Blue Peter Blue Badge is an actual badge given out on a British TV show called Blue Peter to children that write in with letters or poems and things. (A gold badge is also given to a few people each year that are role models for children or have acted bravely)
O que significa "have your badge" in 85?
If this show or movie is about cops (police), then 'have your badge' means to get someone fired, or have them lose their job. When a police officer gets fired, they have to give their badge back.
Example sentences using "Badge"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com badge.
“The police officer showed me his badge”
“The nurse used her badge to enter the hospital” (sometimes people say things like “the nurse had to badge in to her department”, using it like a verb when it is used as a key to a place)
“I would only talk to the law enforcement officer when she showed me an official badge with her name”
“The kid wore his black eye like a badge of honor after his first fight”
“The nurse used her badge to enter the hospital” (sometimes people say things like “the nurse had to badge in to her department”, using it like a verb when it is used as a key to a place)
“I would only talk to the law enforcement officer when she showed me an official badge with her name”
“The kid wore his black eye like a badge of honor after his first fight”
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com " badge up ".
badge up is not a common English expression
Synonyms of "Badge" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre badge e identity card ?
A badge is made of metal or a cloth patch. It shows that you belong to an organization such as a police force, but it might not have your name on it. An identification card is made of plastic. It alays has your name and usually has your picture as well.
Qual é a diferença entre badge e insignia ?
I think a badge is a physical object, and insignia refers to a design or symbol (usually for the military).
1. He clipped the badge onto his shirt.
2. The insignia of the First Airborne Division was painted on the wall.
1. He clipped the badge onto his shirt.
2. The insignia of the First Airborne Division was painted on the wall.
Qual é a diferença entre "badge" e "name tag" ?
A name tag specifically has your name on it. A badge can be any design, doesn't have to have a name on it.
Qual é a diferença entre badge e symbol ?
A badge is something you wear on your clothes. It signifies your achievements or your rank within a group. A badge is also what police use to identify themselves. Symbols are used to represent things that are abstract.
Translations of "Badge"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I have to get your badge sorted out this week
This is already correct.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? badge
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? badge and bag
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? badges
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? When the red badge of courage...
When the red badge of courage :)
Other questions about "Badge"
is "to wear the badge" the same as "will wear the badge"? 😲😲🤔🤔
As written, this is incorrect. You are correct in thinking it should be “And two of the nicest boys will wear the badge(s).
As written, this is incorrect. You are correct in thinking it should be “And two of the nicest boys will wear the badge(s).
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar badge.
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I forget my badge this morning soa natural?
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I put on these badges to look for members with which I identify. soa natural?
with whom, not with which. "Which" is used for things. "who" and "whom" are used for people.
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