Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Blind"
The meaning of "Blind" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa blind?
Blind mean that you are not able to see
O que significa blind?
Cuando alguien no puede ver
Cuando alguien no puede ver
O que significa the blinds were drawn?
The blinds were closed.
O que significa "blind" in 681?
If something is "robbed blind," that means that it is robbed really badly, or that basically everything is stolen.
Example sentences using "Blind"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com blind .
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com blind.
“He is losing his vision and will soon be blind in one eye.”
“The blind lady has an assistance animal to act as her eyes.”
“He closed the Venetian blinds over the windows.”
“I was made temporarily blind by the bright flash.”
“The cat pulled the vertical blind from it’s casing.”
“If I have eye surgery, I may not go blind.”
“The elderly often start to go blind.”
“Even a blind man could see that.” (expression said to someone with good vision who is failing to notice something in front of them, also sometimes expressed as “Even blind Freddy would have seen that coming.”)
“The blind lady has an assistance animal to act as her eyes.”
“He closed the Venetian blinds over the windows.”
“I was made temporarily blind by the bright flash.”
“The cat pulled the vertical blind from it’s casing.”
“If I have eye surgery, I may not go blind.”
“The elderly often start to go blind.”
“Even a blind man could see that.” (expression said to someone with good vision who is failing to notice something in front of them, also sometimes expressed as “Even blind Freddy would have seen that coming.”)
Synonyms of "Blind" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre blinds e shutters ?
They're different types of window coverings. Shutters are a panel of wood, typically, that folds over the window to keep light out, etc. Blinds used to be a roll down sheet of thick cloth or similar, but now they're usually 'mini-blinds', those stacks of horizontal plastic or wood slats hung together with string.😊
Qual é a diferença entre I'm blinding e I'm dazzling ?
I’m blinding= too bright for the other person, they have to close their eyes
I’m dazzling = you’re glittering a lot - doesn’t have the nuance that you’re so bright you make the other person close their eyes
I’m dazzling = you’re glittering a lot - doesn’t have the nuance that you’re so bright you make the other person close their eyes
Qual é a diferença entre blinds e drapes ?
Drapes are another word for curtains as blinds are another word for shades. Drapes are generally made out of cloth/fabric
Qual é a diferença entre blind e curtain ?
Blinds are made out of plastic/PVC materials while curtain is made out of cloth. The one on the picture is a blind
Qual é a diferença entre blind e sightless ?
They are basically the same thing.
Sightless is literally without sight, but blind is often used as a metaphor.
So you can go on a blind date, which is a date where you meet the other person for the first time at the date. You haven't seen them before so it's a "blind" date. You would never say "sightless" date.
You could also say "the storm damaged the ship's navigation equipment so they were sailing blind."
You never use "sightless" as a metaphor as it's too literal. It can only mean without vision.
Sightless is literally without sight, but blind is often used as a metaphor.
So you can go on a blind date, which is a date where you meet the other person for the first time at the date. You haven't seen them before so it's a "blind" date. You would never say "sightless" date.
You could also say "the storm damaged the ship's navigation equipment so they were sailing blind."
You never use "sightless" as a metaphor as it's too literal. It can only mean without vision.
Translations of "Blind"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? literally blind
Legally blind
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? blinds
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? blind
it is blind
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? blind
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? blinds vs Venetian blinds - which one is the most common word
The more common word is blinds here in the US because it is easier to say and use.
Other questions about "Blind"
I'm not a blind. soa natural?
It’s “I’m not blind”
I pull up the blinds in the morning to get sunlight .
( This blinds ---
You have to pull strings and blinds roll up) soa natural?
( This blinds ---
You have to pull strings and blinds roll up) soa natural?
More common to say "I open the blinds..."
Could you close the blinds please? There's a lot of sun here. soa natural?
Could you close down the blinds of the window? soa natural?
"Could you close the blinds? "だけのほうがいいです。Close downとは(会社の)破産、(会社の)永久閉鎖。
Could you close the blinds because the sun is too bright? soa natural?
You want to use a comma (",") here because it sounds like you are asking the question "The sun is too bright?", which doesn't make sense. The best way to say it would be:
"Could you close the blinds?, the sun is too bright."
"The sun is too bright, could you close the blinds?"
"Could you close the blinds?, the sun is too bright."
"The sun is too bright, could you close the blinds?"
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