Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Changeable"
The meaning of "Changeable" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa So changeable as the feeling of human nature ?
Si changeant que le sentiment de la nature humaine
Example sentences using "Changeable"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com changeable.
This word isn't used very often.
I purchased this air purifier because the filter is changeable without needing a tool.
The climate in England is changeable. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes, and it will have completely changed.
I purchased this air purifier because the filter is changeable without needing a tool.
The climate in England is changeable. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes, and it will have completely changed.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com changeable .
The weather is so changeable.
His mood is so changeable that I never know what he is going to do next.
The stock markets are so changeable, that's why is risky to invest in them
His mood is so changeable that I never know what he is going to do next.
The stock markets are so changeable, that's why is risky to invest in them
Synonyms of "Changeable" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre changeable e interchangeable ?
Thank you so much!
Qual é a diferença entre changeable e interchangeable ?
Changeable means you can swap out various components for a dissimilar one, or that something is irregular in nature. For instance, “the weather is very changeable at times during monsoon season.”
Interchangeable means that you can swap out similar or identical components with different objects. For instance, “This telescope’s eyepiece is interchangeable with these binoculars lenses”
It might be tricky in some cases where they could theoretically be used in the same context, for instance “the table cloths are changeable/interchangeable”, where the sentence can either mean “they can be changed (to be washed)” or “they can be interchanged (to make a different style/look)” making the differences extremely small.
Interchangeable means that you can swap out similar or identical components with different objects. For instance, “This telescope’s eyepiece is interchangeable with these binoculars lenses”
It might be tricky in some cases where they could theoretically be used in the same context, for instance “the table cloths are changeable/interchangeable”, where the sentence can either mean “they can be changed (to be washed)” or “they can be interchanged (to make a different style/look)” making the differences extremely small.
Qual é a diferença entre changeable e variable ?
They are both synonyms.
Qual é a diferença entre changeable e unpredictable ?
changeable means that it is likely to change throughout the day. For example: "it was sunny this morning and now it's pouring rain. The weather is really changeable today." Also: " they are predicting that it will snow this evening even though it's sunny and warm right now." "I'm not surprised, the weather has been really changeable recently."
unpredictable means that the weather cannot be anticipated. For example: " I had planned to have a barbecue today because the forecast said it would be clear skies but it's raining. It's a shame the weather is so unpredictable"
The meaning is quite similar. the main difference is that changeable weather can be predicted as it just means that it will change but unpredictable means that it can't be predicted for whatever reason. This reason could be that it is too changeable or something else like the weather report is inaccurate or their is a freak occurrence.
unpredictable means that the weather cannot be anticipated. For example: " I had planned to have a barbecue today because the forecast said it would be clear skies but it's raining. It's a shame the weather is so unpredictable"
The meaning is quite similar. the main difference is that changeable weather can be predicted as it just means that it will change but unpredictable means that it can't be predicted for whatever reason. This reason could be that it is too changeable or something else like the weather report is inaccurate or their is a freak occurrence.
Translations of "Changeable"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "She doesn't run as fast as me."
Is it changeable to these?
She runs more slowly than me.
She runs slowlier than me.
She runs slower than me.
Is it changeable to these?
She runs more slowly than me.
She runs slowlier than me.
She runs slower than me.
She runs more slowly than me. ✅
She runs slowlier than me. ❌. She runs slower than me.
She runs slower than me. ✅
Slower is usually used with nouns.
She is slower than me.
A horse is slower than a car.
More slowly is usually used with verbs.
She runs more slowly.
She runs slowlier than me. ❌. She runs slower than me.
She runs slower than me. ✅
Slower is usually used with nouns.
She is slower than me.
A horse is slower than a car.
More slowly is usually used with verbs.
She runs more slowly.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I think there is no changeable failure.
又はYou haven’t failed until you stop tryingだと言います。
Other questions about "Changeable"
it's been changeable weather nowadays. soa natural?
× it's been changeable weather nowadays.
✓ The weather these days is unpredictable.
✓ The weather these days is unpredictable.
This is unsettled/ changeable weather ?
soa natural?
soa natural?
I usually say "this weather is so unpredictable!"
I'm so changeable! It is a weakness with me, but to be fair to myself, it is my only weakness. soa natural?
You sound a bit English, a bit like an American.
Good job, I thought you were a native speaker.
But you slurred your words a bit on the last sentence. Focus on enunciating and keep it up! Almost there!
Good job, I thought you were a native speaker.
But you slurred your words a bit on the last sentence. Focus on enunciating and keep it up! Almost there!
He is too changeable to keep on doing anything for a long time. soa natural?
He's too distracted to keep doing the same thing for a long time(?) Distracted is probably not the right word
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