Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Contriburions"
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1.He admitted that he was wrong.
그는 그가 잘못했다고 인정했다
2. We should acknowledge their contriburions about battling in the war.
우리는 전쟁에서 전투에 대한 그들의 기여를 인정해야된다 soa natural?
그는 그가 잘못했다고 인정했다
2. We should acknowledge their contriburions about battling in the war.
우리는 전쟁에서 전투에 대한 그들의 기여를 인정해야된다 soa natural?
× 2. We should acknowledge their contriburions about battling in the war.
✓ 2. We should acknowledge their contributions to battling in the war.
✓ 2. We should acknowledge their contributions to battling in the war.
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