Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Corn"
The meaning of "Corn" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa What is “kernel corn on the cob”?
Is it =grilled corn??
Is it =grilled corn??
I have never heard of kernel corn on the cob. It is a contradictory term. Corn on the cob is when the kernels are still attached to the cob, and kernel corn is when the kernels have been removed from the cob.
Either way can be grilled, but there are other ways to prepare both.
Maybe someone else is familiar with kernel corn on the cob.
Either way can be grilled, but there are other ways to prepare both.
Maybe someone else is familiar with kernel corn on the cob.
O que significa corn on the cob ?
It hasn't been shelled from the cob. See the picture below for corn on the cob.
Kernel corn is when it's been removed and is lose.
Kernel corn is when it's been removed and is lose.
O que significa corn ear?
Corn is the little yellow things. An ear of corn is the group of them.
O que significa corn flakes?
Corn flakes are a type of breakfast cereal. Can be used for cooking/baking also.
O que significa corn on the cob?
It is sweetcorn served like this
Synonyms of "Corn" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre corn bract e corn husk ?
A bract is a leaf that serves a specialized purpose. A corn husk is a kind of bract -- the husk is made of specialized leaves that protect the corn ear they surround.
In general use, they're only called "corn husks". "Corn bract" only appears in scientific papers.
In general use, they're only called "corn husks". "Corn bract" only appears in scientific papers.
Qual é a diferença entre corn silk e corn hair e corn beard ?
corn silk sounds more natural, but corn silk, hair, and beard all mean the same thing in reference to the silky pieces of hair on a corncob.
Qual é a diferença entre corn e maize ?
They are both the same thing. Born is British English. Corn used to mean any small grain or pulse. While maize originated from Spanish and was first cultivated by the Olmec and Mayans. In general corn and maize are one and the same.
Qual é a diferença entre corn e seed ?
Wheat, corn, barley, oats and rice are all cereals from the grass family.
But seed is a word for something almost all plants grow from - tomato seed, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed...
Corn originates from America and looks like this 🌽. It's also called maize.
Unfortunately, we Europeans also sometimes use 'corn' to mean whatever cereal we grow the most of in our area. This can be confusing!
But seed is a word for something almost all plants grow from - tomato seed, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed...
Corn originates from America and looks like this 🌽. It's also called maize.
Unfortunately, we Europeans also sometimes use 'corn' to mean whatever cereal we grow the most of in our area. This can be confusing!
Qual é a diferença entre corn e grapes ?
Unfortunately there’s no rule for them, you just have to learn it for each noun. I did you a picture...
@OldGeezer is right, there are other differences. Also, sometimes a noun can be used both ways but I won’t make it too complicated here. 😬🙃😊
@OldGeezer is right, there are other differences. Also, sometimes a noun can be used both ways but I won’t make it too complicated here. 😬🙃😊
Translations of "Corn"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? are they red corn, blue corn, white corn and yellow corn?
yes!! not corn haha
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? How do you feel when I said ” corns are grown here” instead of ”corn is grown here”? Or the first one was just wrong?
The first one is wrong because "corn" is an uncountable noun.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? corn is a vegatable or a fruit ?
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? corn
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? corn
You just said it in English "corn".
Other questions about "Corn"
I love this corn harvested in Musashino city, a suburb of western Tokyo. Farmers directly sell their vegetables by a road and the neighbors line to get it there. Under the spread of the coronavirus, we have to keep social distance while we line. But some customers couldn't keep calm, then rushed to the counter. "Please keep distance!" farmers cried. Today, the Tokyo area went into the rainy, uncomfortable season. soa natural?
× I love this corn harvested in Musashino city, a suburb of western Tokyo.
✓ I love this corn harvested in Musashino city, a suburb in western Tokyo.
× Under the spread of the coronavirus, we have to keep social distance while we line.
✓ Under the spread of the coronavirus, we have to keep social distance while in line.
× But some customers couldn't keep calm, then rushed to the counter.
✓ But some customers couldn't keep calm and rushed to the counter.
✓ I love this corn harvested in Musashino city, a suburb in western Tokyo.
× Under the spread of the coronavirus, we have to keep social distance while we line.
✓ Under the spread of the coronavirus, we have to keep social distance while in line.
× But some customers couldn't keep calm, then rushed to the counter.
✓ But some customers couldn't keep calm and rushed to the counter.
As long as you are on corn and soy, you cannot avoid eating GMO. soa natural?
Actually, now that I think about it, your sentence is natural! It’s fine to use “on” like you did. I must have read it too quickly the first time haha! Sorry for my mistake & good job!
I served corn soup on the cup by the ladle. soa natural?
I can't see if it's a cup or a bowl.
But anyway you can use the verb "ladle".
I ladled corn soup into the cup.
But anyway you can use the verb "ladle".
I ladled corn soup into the cup.
is it true that you don't eat corn flakes?
We eat corn flakes. I would say all supermarkets and a lot of small grocery stores sell them.
He measures another's corn by his own bushel.
What does "corn" mean in this sentence? Is it a slang?
What does "corn" mean in this sentence? Is it a slang?
It's a saying. It means that one shouldn't judge others by their own standards or expect someone else to live up to their standards. It's not a very common saying.
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