Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Crikey"
The meaning of "Crikey" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa crikey?
You say it when you are surprised. It's a informal British expression.
"Crikey! I never thought you would be here."
"Crikey! I never thought you would be here."
O que significa crikey ?
Example sentences using "Crikey"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com crikey.
"Crikey! That was a big fish!"
"Crikey! it's cold today isn't it?"
It is a common way of saying "Wow!" that is mostly used in Australia.
I hope this helps!
"Crikey! it's cold today isn't it?"
It is a common way of saying "Wow!" that is mostly used in Australia.
I hope this helps!
Synonyms of "Crikey" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre crikey e blimey e bloody hell ?
All can be expressions of surprise. Bloody hell can also show annoyance.
I use bloody quite a lot, but I don't know anyone who actually uses crikey or blimey! They are a bit old fashioned.
I use bloody quite a lot, but I don't know anyone who actually uses crikey or blimey! They are a bit old fashioned.
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