Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Criticize"
The meaning of "Criticize" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa criticize?
आलोचना करना किसी चीज में दोषों को इंगित करना है।
कुछ उदाहरण:
"मेरी माँ ने गन्दा कमरा रखने के लिए मेरी आलोचना की"
"मेरे बॉस ने हमेशा देर से आने के लिए मेरी आलोचना की"
हमेशा आलोचना करना बुरी बात नहीं है। रचनात्मक आलोचना तब होती है जब आप किसी को उनके कार्यों में सुधार के लिए सुझाव दे रहे होते हैं।
कुछ उदाहरण:
"मेरी माँ ने मुझे रचनात्मक आलोचना दी कि मैं अपने कमरे को कैसे साफ रख सकता हूँ"
"मेरे बॉस ने मुझे रचनात्मक आलोचना दी कि मैं समय पर काम पर कैसे आना शुरू कर सकता हूं"
कुछ उदाहरण:
"मेरी माँ ने गन्दा कमरा रखने के लिए मेरी आलोचना की"
"मेरे बॉस ने हमेशा देर से आने के लिए मेरी आलोचना की"
हमेशा आलोचना करना बुरी बात नहीं है। रचनात्मक आलोचना तब होती है जब आप किसी को उनके कार्यों में सुधार के लिए सुझाव दे रहे होते हैं।
कुछ उदाहरण:
"मेरी माँ ने मुझे रचनात्मक आलोचना दी कि मैं अपने कमरे को कैसे साफ रख सकता हूँ"
"मेरे बॉस ने मुझे रचनात्मक आलोचना दी कि मैं समय पर काम पर कैसे आना शुरू कर सकता हूं"
O que significa criticize?
to say why something is bad or wrong
O que significa criticize?
usually finding faults about someone or disaproving with them.
example: Insulting someone.
To not agree with someone.
example: Insulting someone.
To not agree with someone.
Example sentences using "Criticize"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com criticize .
"Don't criticeze me, I am doing my best."
"The teacher criticized the student for his bad handwriting."
"The newspaper criticized the government's handling of the situation."
"He often criticizes his colleagues without offering any helpful suggestions."
"The teacher criticized the student for his bad handwriting."
"The newspaper criticized the government's handling of the situation."
"He often criticizes his colleagues without offering any helpful suggestions."
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com criticize.
You could criticize someone‘s work and tell them what they could do better next time
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com criticize.
she took an audition today. The judges criticized her skills
Synonyms of "Criticize" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre criticize e condemn ?
Criticize= point out the negative aspects of something
Condemn=say that something is bad overall, immoral, wrong
I don’t want to criticize the movie too harshly because I like the director, but there were some parts I didn’t like.
My parents are always criticizing me. They never pay attention to the good things I do.
The movie condemns abortion by making the main character a villain.
My parents condemn my decision to marry someone twice my age.
Condemn=say that something is bad overall, immoral, wrong
I don’t want to criticize the movie too harshly because I like the director, but there were some parts I didn’t like.
My parents are always criticizing me. They never pay attention to the good things I do.
The movie condemns abortion by making the main character a villain.
My parents condemn my decision to marry someone twice my age.
Qual é a diferença entre criticize e reproach ?
Yes!! You got it!! :)
Qual é a diferença entre #1 criticize e #2 critique ?
criticize = rude
critique = helpful
critique = helpful
Qual é a diferença entre criticize e blame e accuse ?
Criticize is usually used when you judge somebody or their work, so for example "They criticized her art". When you blame someone or accuse them of something, it means that you believe they are the reason something bad happened, for example "They all blame him for breaking the vase" or "She was accused of stealing". Hope that helps! :)
Qual é a diferença entre criticized e judged ?
When you criticize somebody, you are literally saying things that are wrong with them.
When you judge somebody, you don't usually say anything, but you make a (usually negative) opinion of them.
For example, if I saw somebody on the street who was being really noisy and inconsiderate, I might judge him. I would think that he isn't really nice or thoughtful, because he is disrupting others. However, I might not criticize him, unless I was talking about him to my friends later.
When you judge somebody, you don't usually say anything, but you make a (usually negative) opinion of them.
For example, if I saw somebody on the street who was being really noisy and inconsiderate, I might judge him. I would think that he isn't really nice or thoughtful, because he is disrupting others. However, I might not criticize him, unless I was talking about him to my friends later.
Translations of "Criticize"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? criticized
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? criticize
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? criticize
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? criticize
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? criticized
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Other questions about "Criticize"
You will criticize it. soa natural?
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar criticize.
Hope this helps! ☆
I'm just criticizing you because I want you to be successful.
soa natural?
soa natural?
Sounds natural.
Alternatively add “I am only” for a friendlier tone.
“I’m just” sounds short and harsh.
I am only criticising you because I want you to be successful.
Alternatively add “I am only” for a friendlier tone.
“I’m just” sounds short and harsh.
I am only criticising you because I want you to be successful.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar criticize.
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firmly criticize
decidedly criticize
which one is more natural?
decidedly criticize
which one is more natural?
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