Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Dodgy"
The meaning of "Dodgy" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa The dodgy end?
the dodge end - the suspicious side 怪しい側 (from the movie Love Actually)
Dodgy - dishonest, not to be trusted, easy to break or fail
The word is an informal word that is used not only in the UK.
“Or perhaps many more people are willing to buy a suspiciously cheap item from a dodgy-looking person in a pub.”
“About half the year the weather is dodgy. I've grown to love it though.”
“This was designed to make it easier to get help if you're in a dodgy situation.”
Dodgy - dishonest, not to be trusted, easy to break or fail
The word is an informal word that is used not only in the UK.
“Or perhaps many more people are willing to buy a suspiciously cheap item from a dodgy-looking person in a pub.”
“About half the year the weather is dodgy. I've grown to love it though.”
“This was designed to make it easier to get help if you're in a dodgy situation.”
O que significa Dodgy (Isn't it used in the US?)
-I found a cab, and his dodgy friend is about to assault me.
-Until, out of the blue, on a dodgy night out with dodgy Jay, something miraculous happened.?
-I found a cab, and his dodgy friend is about to assault me.
-Until, out of the blue, on a dodgy night out with dodgy Jay, something miraculous happened.?
"dodgy" means a person you can't trust. They are probably unreliable and a little dangerous for you to be around.
O que significa you look dodgy?
In the meaning ‘untrustworthy’: ‘He’s a dodgy character’.
In the meaning ‘uncertain/risky’: ‘... is a dodgy business’
In the meaning ‘uncertain/risky’: ‘... is a dodgy business’
O que significa I have a dodgy stomach.?
This means that you are feeling unwell. “That sandwich gave me a dodgy stomach”
O que significa dodgy haircut?
dodgy means untrustworthy. It can mean either that the haircut makes the person look untrustworthy or, more likely, that it is just a bad haircut, in which case it was the hair cutter that was untrustworthy.
Example sentences using "Dodgy"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com dodgy.
Don't trust him with your money! There's something dodgy about him.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com dodgy.
That guy looks a bit dodgy to me
What's he's offering to do sounds somewhat dodgy. Be careful!
What's he's offering to do sounds somewhat dodgy. Be careful!
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com dodgy.
He looks a bit dodgy. I wouldn't trust him.
Synonyms of "Dodgy" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre dodgy e chancy e sketcy e risky ?
The words dodgy and sketchy are both similar, and the words chancy and risky are both similar.
"Your plan is dodgy." or "Your plan is sketchy." means "Your plan is not good, your plan is not well thought out."
"Your plan is chancy." or "Your plan is risky." means "Your plan is good if it succeeds, but there is a chance that it does not succeed."
There are also sentences like "This neighbourhood is dodgy." or "This neighbourhood is sketchy.", which mean "This neighbourhood is not very safe."
In UK English, I don't hear the word chancy often.
"Your plan is dodgy." or "Your plan is sketchy." means "Your plan is not good, your plan is not well thought out."
"Your plan is chancy." or "Your plan is risky." means "Your plan is good if it succeeds, but there is a chance that it does not succeed."
There are also sentences like "This neighbourhood is dodgy." or "This neighbourhood is sketchy.", which mean "This neighbourhood is not very safe."
In UK English, I don't hear the word chancy often.
Qual é a diferença entre dodgy e creepy ?
Creepy = you feel scared of something/someone
Dodgy = Something that doesn’t seem trustworthy/reliable.
If a bridge looks dodgy it might break.
If a person is creepy, they scare you and you don’t want to be near them.
Dodgy = Something that doesn’t seem trustworthy/reliable.
If a bridge looks dodgy it might break.
If a person is creepy, they scare you and you don’t want to be near them.
Qual é a diferença entre dodgy area e rough area ?
dodgy area: sketchy, dangerous area
rough area: sketchy, dangerous area OR physically not smooth (this one is used more often)
rough area: sketchy, dangerous area OR physically not smooth (this one is used more often)
Translations of "Dodgy"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? dodgy
Here is a link to some examples
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? dodgy
Evasively tricky. Someone who does not answer your questions. Someone who answers a question with a question.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? dodgy
@ChandlerinKorea: Questionable... it depend how formal the situation is. There are a lot informal ways to say that too
Other questions about "Dodgy"
I think I've got a dodgy batch
What does this sentence mean?
What does this sentence mean?
Ahhh I see. “Dodgy” means low-quality or unreliable. “Batch” means set or group made at the same time (for example, batch of cookies means a group of cookies that was baked in the oven together at the same time). So, “dodgy batch” means that the item belongs to a group of low-quality items made at the same time.
Sorry I didn’t understand right away!!
Sorry I didn’t understand right away!!
I would have been better off not knowing his dodgy side job. soa natural?
I would have been better off not knowing about his dodgy side job. You just needed the word about to make the sentence make more sense.
is dodgy a common word?
''I can't play, I've got a dodgy knee.''
''I can't play, I've got a dodgy knee.''
It’s not very common in US English used in that way. That usage is mostly British.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar "dodgy" in America English.
In American English, (dge) makes the same sound as the letter (j). The (y) is making the (e) sound.
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