Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Domain"

The meaning of "Domain" in various phrases and sentences

Example sentences using "Domain"

Q: Mostra-me frases de exemplo com domain .
A: Here are some common expressions with the word "domain":

* **Domain name:** The unique address of a website on the internet, such as
* **Domain of a function:** The set of all possible input values for a function.
* **Domain of a website:** The area of influence of a website, such as the topics or industries it covers.
* **Domain of expertise:** The area of knowledge or skill in which someone is specialized.
* **Domain-driven design:** A software development approach that focuses on modeling the domain of the problem being solved.
* **Domain-specific language (DSL):** A programming language designed for a specific domain, such as HTML for web development or SQL for database management.

Here are some example sentences using the word "domain":

* **What is the domain of the function f(x) = x^2 - 1?**
* **The domain of the website is technology.**
* **The doctor has expertise in the domain of cardiology.**
* **The software is being developed using a domain-driven design approach.**
* **The programmer is using a domain-specific language to develop the application.**

Here are some more common expressions with the word "domain":

* **Domain authority:** A measure of the strength and authority of a website.
* **Domain registrar:** A company that registers domain names.
* **Domain web hosting:** A service that provides storage and access to a website's files.
* **Domain transfer:** The process of moving a domain name from one registrar to another.
* **Domain privacy protection:** A service that protects the personal information of a domain name registrant.

I hope this is helpful!

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