Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Dragonfly"
The meaning of "Dragonfly" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa dragonflies zipped to and fro?
잠자리 여기 저기 갔어요
O que significa Them dragonflies are huge!
Dem dragonflies are huge!?
Dem dragonflies are huge!?
In this case “them” is used in a common but very improper way. What the person wants to say is “Those dragonflies are huge!”
Them is an object. Those is a subject.
Subject - verb - object in English.
There are certain cultural groups in the USA where the language is misused slightly to create a sort of tribalism or sense of belonging to a group. Please don’t “learn” from these sources. Learn to understand them, but don’t emulate them because you will learn the wrong way and it will not benefit you if you speak that way.
Them is an object. Those is a subject.
Subject - verb - object in English.
There are certain cultural groups in the USA where the language is misused slightly to create a sort of tribalism or sense of belonging to a group. Please don’t “learn” from these sources. Learn to understand them, but don’t emulate them because you will learn the wrong way and it will not benefit you if you speak that way.
Synonyms of "Dragonfly" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre dragonfly e damselfly e feel free to provide examples ?
They're kinda related. The difference is that the damselfy is a weak-flying insect.
Translations of "Dragonfly"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? dragonfly
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Other questions about "Dragonfly"
The dragonflies fly lowly maybe it will rain soon
Good effort! this only requires a slight correction to sound more natural.
"The dragonflies are flying low, maybe it will rain soon?"
"The dragonflies are flying low, maybe it will rain soon?"
I watched some dragonflies flying in this morning, when I went out to take out the garbage. I felt the fall. soa natural?
Thank you for a nice correction😊
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