Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Dripping"
The meaning of "Dripping" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Dripping ?
Dripping is what something does when it is covered in so much liquid that some of it is falling off. It's called dripping because the individual beads of liquid can be called 'drips' or 'drops'.
Someone may also use 'dripping' as an exaggerative figure of speech to make a point about how annoyingly wet they are/something is, even if it's not actually dripping.
Someone may also use 'dripping' as an exaggerative figure of speech to make a point about how annoyingly wet they are/something is, even if it's not actually dripping.
O que significa Dripping ?
O que significa Dripping?
Dripping in the case of cooking refers to the liquid fat from meat at the bottom of a pot or pan after cooking the meat.
Example sentences using "Dripping"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Dripping and seeping .
Dripping = gotas, por ejemplo, cayéndose del techo
Seeping = por ejemplo, una tela llena de agua, pero, no hay gotas.
Los dos *normalmente* implica un problema.
Seeping = por ejemplo, una tela llena de agua, pero, no hay gotas.
Los dos *normalmente* implica un problema.
Synonyms of "Dripping" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Dripping off e Dropping off ?
Dripping off means that a liquid is falling off something in drops, while dropping off means to leave something somwhere
Other questions about "Dripping"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar Dripping.
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