Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Embodiment"
The meaning of "Embodiment" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa embodiment?
something/someone that represents an idea in physical/tangible form
e.g. she is the embodiment of chaos
this necklace is the embodiment of elegance
e.g. she is the embodiment of chaos
this necklace is the embodiment of elegance
O que significa embodiment?
A physical manifestation of an abstract concept
O que significa embodiment ?
It’s like Jefferson was the enlightenment himself. Instead of the enlightenment being a society wide thing.
They are saying Jefferson was talking in such a way it’s like everything about the enlightenment was from him or you could listen to him to find out what the enlightenment was.
Maybe that does it justice?
They are saying Jefferson was talking in such a way it’s like everything about the enlightenment was from him or you could listen to him to find out what the enlightenment was.
Maybe that does it justice?
O que significa embodiment ?
Embody and embodiment are sort of when an idea or characteristic are turned into a body or a person. When a person so strongly exemplifies that quality or characteristic that it is as if the quality/characteristic became a real person.
"Mother Theresa was the embodiment of kindness and charity."
"I hate our president. He is the embodiment of evil."
It can also be said about things.
"The flag is the embodiment of the spirit of our nation."
"My essay embodies my feelings about equality."
It is another way to say represents or symbolizes, but it is much stronger.
"Mother Theresa was the embodiment of kindness and charity."
"I hate our president. He is the embodiment of evil."
It can also be said about things.
"The flag is the embodiment of the spirit of our nation."
"My essay embodies my feelings about equality."
It is another way to say represents or symbolizes, but it is much stronger.
O que significa embodiment?
Modalidade significa literalmente uma forma tangível ou visível de uma idéia, qualidade ou sentimento. É como uma representação física de algo que não é tangível. Existem outras definições, essa é apenas uma.
Example sentences using "Embodiment"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com embodiment and compassion .
He is always helping people who need it, he really is the embodiment of goodness.
It's hard not to feel compassion for someone who is suffering.
He is always helping people who need it, he really is the embodiment of goodness.
It's hard not to feel compassion for someone who is suffering.
Synonyms of "Embodiment" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre She is the embodiment of a classic Japanese woman. e She is the epitome of a classic Japanese woman. ?
I would use the second option. An embodiment is taking something abstract and immaterial and giving it a body. A classic Japanese woman has a body already, so she does not need to be embodied. Instead you can just find a good example of one.
Other questions about "Embodiment"
He's the embodiment of jealousy.
He's the incarnation of jealousy.
what is the difference?
He's the incarnation of jealousy.
what is the difference?
1 is similar to representation. Ex: this flag is the representation / embodiment of our country.
2 is the physical form of something.
Ex: this song is the embodiment of my happiness (nonphysical)
This drawing is the incarnation of my sadness (physical)
2 is the physical form of something.
Ex: this song is the embodiment of my happiness (nonphysical)
This drawing is the incarnation of my sadness (physical)
"She's the embodiment of success"
could I use "incarnation" instead of "embodiment"?
could I use "incarnation" instead of "embodiment"?
Not really.
"to be the embodiment of..." is a set phrase; it sounds odd if you modify it.
Plus, incarnation has religious connotations.
"to be the embodiment of..." is a set phrase; it sounds odd if you modify it.
Plus, incarnation has religious connotations.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar an embodiment.
She was the embodiment of the all people living in the little town. soa natural?
She was the embodiment of all the people living in the little town.
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