Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Entity"

The meaning of "Entity" in various phrases and sentences

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Q: What does "a manifest entity" in this passage mean?

Lain is the human collective consciousness, not God. She meets God, taking the form of her human father, in the last episode of the series, after the main drama has ended - he doesn't play much of a role in the story.
Lain is trying to enter the world as a manifest entity for reasons never disclosed. Eiri is a false god trying to use Lains power to create the Wired and transition humankind into mergence with it so that he can live as a god through technological control of her power, i.e. control of the human consciousness, hence being able to create the illusory world of the Wired.
Eiri as narrator indicates the scene takes place in the Wired, even if it seems to be the real world - that IS the entire point of the Wired, to be layered over the eyes of the people until they can't tell the difference between the Wired, where Eiri is god, and the real world, granting him EFFECTIVELY true divinity, since mankind will cease interacting with the real world and live fully in the world he controls.

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