Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Firstest"
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I took the firstest tran to go to Takao, but Chuo line is crowder than I expected. I didn't think I couldn't sit in a seat. soa natural?
× I took the firstest tran to go to Takao, but Chuo line is crowder than I expected.
✓ I took the first train to Takao, but Chuo line was more crowded than I expected.
× I didn't think I couldn't sit in a seat.
✓ I thought I wouldn’t get a seat.
✓ I took the first train to Takao, but Chuo line was more crowded than I expected.
× I didn't think I couldn't sit in a seat.
✓ I thought I wouldn’t get a seat.
The firstest team which it can collect all of the cards is the winner! soa natural?
Last answer is the most logical and natural one out of all.
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