Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Floopy"
The meaning of "Floopy" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa floopy?
Weird feeling, or the feeling you have while in kind of panic situations,
My life is floopy (nothing goes as you plan)
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My life is floopy (nothing goes as you plan)
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O que significa floopy?
i was watching "Friends" on netflix and when Rachel said: " ... and now everything's kind of like ..." and Phoebe responds: "Floopy".
I didn't get it
I didn't get it
O que significa floopy?
confused, in a state of inner turmoil. if soemone feels floopy, nothing is going right
O que significa floopy?
i haven't heard of floppy. Do you mean floppy? Floppy means something that bounces around like a dogs long ears or tail as it runs. you could say that the dog has floppy ears or tail.
Translations of "Floopy"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? floopy
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? floopy
It is another version of floppy. They describe the physical state of an object. Example. A piece of paper is floppy. It will not stay rigid if you hold it by a corner or edge. A piece of wood is not floppy/floopy, it keeps its shape.
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