Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Flout"
The meaning of "Flout" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa flout?
thank you 😊
Example sentences using "Flout"
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It's flouting of the dead./ Phillida flouts me./ A flout is when someone deliberately and ostentatiously contravenes a maxim.
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Synonyms of "Flout" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre flout e taunt e mock e jest ?
“flout” means to openly disregard a rule/the law.
ex. “the car company flouted emissions laws for decades.”
“flout” also is a sort of old-fashioned way “to mock.”
“To taunt” and “to mock” are similar in meaning, but “mocking” has an added nuance sometimes that you are imitating whoever you are talking about (in a rude way, of course). Taunting doesn’t have this same implication that you are copying the actions or words of someone else.
“To jest” is to make a joke. However, you will mostly hear this word used in the phrase “to do something in jest,” so you could for example say “to mock someone in jest” which would mean to mock somebody in a joking way, intended to be laughed at and not fully serious.
ex. “the car company flouted emissions laws for decades.”
“flout” also is a sort of old-fashioned way “to mock.”
“To taunt” and “to mock” are similar in meaning, but “mocking” has an added nuance sometimes that you are imitating whoever you are talking about (in a rude way, of course). Taunting doesn’t have this same implication that you are copying the actions or words of someone else.
“To jest” is to make a joke. However, you will mostly hear this word used in the phrase “to do something in jest,” so you could for example say “to mock someone in jest” which would mean to mock somebody in a joking way, intended to be laughed at and not fully serious.
Qual é a diferença entre flout the law e infringe the law e break the law ?
to break the law = to do something illegal
to flout the law = to openly, proudly break the law; to ignore laws
to infringe the law = more formal version of "to break the law"
He broke the city's parking law when he left his car in front of a fire hydrant.
It's not breaking the law if you punch someone in self-defense.
If you break the law again, you're definitely going to prison.
She smoked marijuana in public, flouting the drug laws.
The restaurant flouted all the food safety laws, but the food was so good that people still ate there.
Dogs don't care about "Keep Off of Grass" signs. They'll flout the law and pee wherever they want.
The Thai government accused the tourist of infringing the laws against insulting the King.
In the 1990s, Microsoft infringed the antitrust laws against unfair competition.
to flout the law = to openly, proudly break the law; to ignore laws
to infringe the law = more formal version of "to break the law"
He broke the city's parking law when he left his car in front of a fire hydrant.
It's not breaking the law if you punch someone in self-defense.
If you break the law again, you're definitely going to prison.
She smoked marijuana in public, flouting the drug laws.
The restaurant flouted all the food safety laws, but the food was so good that people still ate there.
Dogs don't care about "Keep Off of Grass" signs. They'll flout the law and pee wherever they want.
The Thai government accused the tourist of infringing the laws against insulting the King.
In the 1990s, Microsoft infringed the antitrust laws against unfair competition.
Other questions about "Flout"
What does flout mean? Is it a common word?
It is reasonably common, although it is probably more often written than spoken.
It means to ignore rules and customs. You might say that someone flouts the law, or that they flout the rules of common decency, etc
It is reasonably common, although it is probably more often written than spoken.
It means to ignore rules and customs. You might say that someone flouts the law, or that they flout the rules of common decency, etc
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