Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Gathering"
The meaning of "Gathering" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa gathering speed?
Getting faster
O que significa She sat up straighter, gathering herself together.?
She sits up straight and composes herself (or calms herself down)
O que significa a gathering of adults?
it is a meeting of a group of adults
O que significa gathering?
it means to bring together what was once apart. It generally refers to more than two.
O que significa I'm not ready for gathering ?
i don't understand this sentence ether... unless they are getting ready to gather a bunch of sticks or something, and they haven't gotten ready for that. ^^
Example sentences using "Gathering"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com gathering .
Gathering can be a noun and a verb so here are examples with both versions:
"There is a gathering for the school teachers so we don't have class after lunch."
"This Sunday, there will be a family gathering so I'll get to see my cousins"
"What are you doing right now?"
"I am gathering strawberries in my garden"
Another example:
"I am gathering opinions from students for my research paper".
Hope this helps!
"There is a gathering for the school teachers so we don't have class after lunch."
"This Sunday, there will be a family gathering so I'll get to see my cousins"
"What are you doing right now?"
"I am gathering strawberries in my garden"
Another example:
"I am gathering opinions from students for my research paper".
Hope this helps!
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com gathering .
The sea gulls are gathering at the pier.
I'm gathering the courage to give a speech in front of 2,000 people.
She was gathering her skirt so it wouldn't get dirty.
There was a large gathering at church today.
I'm gathering the courage to give a speech in front of 2,000 people.
She was gathering her skirt so it wouldn't get dirty.
There was a large gathering at church today.
Synonyms of "Gathering" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre gathering e assembly ?
"gathering" is a coming together of people in a group for a particular purpose, "assembly" is also a group of people , but they meet regularly and in a special building.
Qual é a diferença entre gathering e meeting ?
These words can have many meanings. I will assume you are talking about a situation where people come together in a group.
Meeting is most often used in a business context.
Gathering is most often used in a social context.
We are having a meeting at the office to discuss our sales strategy.
We are having a gathering at my house this weekend to celebrate our anniversary.
Meeting is most often used in a business context.
Gathering is most often used in a social context.
We are having a meeting at the office to discuss our sales strategy.
We are having a gathering at my house this weekend to celebrate our anniversary.
Qual é a diferença entre gathering e meeting ?
A "gathering" sounds like a social thing -- like a church group, or a group of friends or a family.
A "meeting" sounds like business -- like a committee, or something at work.
A "meeting" sounds like business -- like a committee, or something at work.
Qual é a diferença entre Musical gatherings e Musical performance ?
a musical gathering is a musical event regarding musicians or singers.A musical performance is a performance regarding musicians and singers. Very similar if you think about it but are used in different contexts.
Qual é a diferença entre gathering e meeting ?
Gathering can be a party, reunion or group sharing. Gathering means to join together. Meeting is to gather for a discussion. That's it I think
Translations of "Gathering"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Did you know we are having a small gathering on the beach this week? Join us meet with and have a fun time with your peers!
Did you know we are having a small gathering on the beach this week? Join us and have a fun time with your peers!
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? gathering
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 회식 1차? 1st small gathering ?
모임 해산 “canceled meeting” (I think)
“The meeting was canceled”
“The meeting was canceled”
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? gathering
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? where is the gathering today
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Other questions about "Gathering"
I had a gathering on Friday evening.As savory meat was served, we cooked over a gas grill until it was charred then pitched in.Beer lubricated my tongue.And I was in a great mood. soa natural?
I had a gathering on Friday evening. As savory meat was served, we cooked it over a gas grill until it was charred. Then, we feasted together. I was in a great mood.
"Beer lubricated my tongue" sounds strange. What are you trying to say? You can type it in Chinese.
The phrase "pitch in" is used to describe something positive, such as helping someone.
Example: Let's all pitch in to help her!
"Beer lubricated my tongue" sounds strange. What are you trying to say? You can type it in Chinese.
The phrase "pitch in" is used to describe something positive, such as helping someone.
Example: Let's all pitch in to help her!
"Where can we go for our gatherings?" soa natural?
*Gatherings is more than one meeting with friends
*Gathering is only one meeting with friends
Correction: Where can we go for our gathering? (OR) Where can we hang out? (more casual)
*Gathering is only one meeting with friends
Correction: Where can we go for our gathering? (OR) Where can we hang out? (more casual)
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar gathering.
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I'm afraid but we've decided to push off the gathering on the 23rd because of the typhoon coming soon. We'd like to know if you are available on the 30th. Could you reply about it? Thanks in advance. soa natural?
instead you could say: I'm afraid to say this, but we've decided to push off the gathering on the 23rd because of the typhoons that is coming soon."
I am going to have a gathering with my colleagues in a bar near my office on Tuesday and have a dinner with my wife in the downtown on Saturday. soa natural?
I am going to have a gathering with my colleagues in a bar near my office on Tuesday and have a dinner with my wife downtown on Saturday.
(We don't really say downtown and uptown in the UK. I would probably just say "in town".)
(We don't really say downtown and uptown in the UK. I would probably just say "in town".)
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