Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Guarantee"
The meaning of "Guarantee" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Would you guarantee?
"Would you guarantee" = "would you promise"...
"Would you guarantee I get a job if I take your training course?"
"Would you guarantee I get a job if I take your training course?"
O que significa There are few guarantees when it comes to entrepreneurship. What is more certain is the underlying driving force to build a business.
What does it mean "guarantees" and "What is more certain" in this case??
What does it mean "guarantees" and "What is more certain" in this case??
O que significa Monkey-back guarantee ?
The english phrase is "Money Back guarantee"
Stores will say this - if you are not happy with our product, we will return your money.
"Monkey back guarantee" might be a misspelling or play on words.
Stores will say this - if you are not happy with our product, we will return your money.
"Monkey back guarantee" might be a misspelling or play on words.
O que significa guarantee?
"Guarantee" means something that you for sure know is going to happen or know something that is good/bad from past experience, example, "I guarantee you he's gonna ask her tomorrow." "I guarantee you that this is the best sandwich you will ever eat." I hope this helps :)
O que significa guaranteed ?
It is a promise to you (あなたに約束する). Guaranteed means someone promises you that what they give you or do for you is as they said it will be.
"The salesman guaranteed me that this computer will be fast"
"The salesman guaranteed me that this computer will be fast"
Example sentences using "Guarantee"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com guarantee.
If we go to this party tonight, I can guarantee we'll have a good time.
I can almost guarantee that the cops will show up at this protest.
Order the steak. I guarantee you'll love it!
I can almost guarantee that the cops will show up at this protest.
Order the steak. I guarantee you'll love it!
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com guarantee.
Here's a few:
As a verb:
I can't guarantee you anything.
As a noun:
There's a life-long guarantee on the product.
As an adverb (I think):
It's a guaranteed success.
As a verb:
I can't guarantee you anything.
As a noun:
There's a life-long guarantee on the product.
As an adverb (I think):
It's a guaranteed success.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com guarantee.
Guarantee (v) : I can not guarantee that our flights will be never delayed.
Guarantee (n): He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.
Guarantee (n): He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com guaranteed .
I have a guaranteed position at my job when I come back from maternity leave.
She guaranteed me that it was a high quality diamond.
The movie is guaranteed to be a hit.
She guaranteed me that it was a high quality diamond.
The movie is guaranteed to be a hit.
Synonyms of "Guarantee" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre guarantee e vouch ?
Hello @Asg2 ! 😊 'Vouch' and 'guarantee' are both similar in meaning, but have a slightly different use in my opinion.
Vouch - to be able from your knowledge or experience to say that something is true. To recommend something/someone based on knowledge/experience/relationship. Vouch is usually used in situations of trust, particularly if you're 'vouching' for a person. Vouch is softer than 'guarantee' in that if you vouch for someone or something, it is more taken as your opinion rather than fact. Vouch is also more commonly used when recommending people.
1) My friend is good natured and hard working. I'd totally vouch for him.
→ This means, you trust your friend enough and think they are a good person to recommend them to someone, for example, a job opportunity.
Guarantee - To promise that something will happen or exist. A promise that something will be done or will happen. Guarantee feels stronger than vouch and is based on a person's abilities/a thing's abilities and the fact that they are capable. If you are 100% sure of something/someone, then you would use guarantee.
1) My friend is good natured and hard working. I guarantee he'll do a great job.
→ This means you 100% know that your friend will do a great job. If your friend doesn't do a good job, the person you recommend your friend to is likely to be angry because you 'guaranteed' them.
Other examples:
1) We stayed at a hotel on the beach in Sri Lanka. It's amazing, I totally guarantee you'll have a great stay there!
2) I can't guarantee that we will be back by 11pm.
3) If she gets in trouble with the boss then I'll vouch for her. She is a good person, she just made a stupid mistake.
4) I can't vouch for the breakfast they serve. It's my first time eating here, too.
^^ I hope this is helpful! 😊
Vouch - to be able from your knowledge or experience to say that something is true. To recommend something/someone based on knowledge/experience/relationship. Vouch is usually used in situations of trust, particularly if you're 'vouching' for a person. Vouch is softer than 'guarantee' in that if you vouch for someone or something, it is more taken as your opinion rather than fact. Vouch is also more commonly used when recommending people.
1) My friend is good natured and hard working. I'd totally vouch for him.
→ This means, you trust your friend enough and think they are a good person to recommend them to someone, for example, a job opportunity.
Guarantee - To promise that something will happen or exist. A promise that something will be done or will happen. Guarantee feels stronger than vouch and is based on a person's abilities/a thing's abilities and the fact that they are capable. If you are 100% sure of something/someone, then you would use guarantee.
1) My friend is good natured and hard working. I guarantee he'll do a great job.
→ This means you 100% know that your friend will do a great job. If your friend doesn't do a good job, the person you recommend your friend to is likely to be angry because you 'guaranteed' them.
Other examples:
1) We stayed at a hotel on the beach in Sri Lanka. It's amazing, I totally guarantee you'll have a great stay there!
2) I can't guarantee that we will be back by 11pm.
3) If she gets in trouble with the boss then I'll vouch for her. She is a good person, she just made a stupid mistake.
4) I can't vouch for the breakfast they serve. It's my first time eating here, too.
^^ I hope this is helpful! 😊
Qual é a diferença entre guarantees e warranties ?
A warranty is “a promise or guarantee given.” A warranty is usually a written guarantee for a product, and it holds the maker of the product responsible to repair or replace a defective product or its parts. It is only used as a noun.
As a noun, guarantee is “an agreement assuming responsibility to perform, execute, or complete something and offering security for that agreement.” It is a promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service, or a pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner.
As a verb, it can assure someone that you have confidence in your product or service. For example: “I guarantee that you’ll love this product or you’ll get your money back!”
As a noun, guarantee is “an agreement assuming responsibility to perform, execute, or complete something and offering security for that agreement.” It is a promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service, or a pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner.
As a verb, it can assure someone that you have confidence in your product or service. For example: “I guarantee that you’ll love this product or you’ll get your money back!”
Qual é a diferença entre guarantee e assure e promise ?
They are all pretty much the same. They can all be nouns and verbs.
Guarantee - noun: He gave me a lifetime guarantee; verb: He guaranteed me it would work for a lifetime.
Assure - noun: I need assurance it will work; verb: He assured me it would work.
Promise - noun: You have my promise that it will work; verb: He promised that it would work.
Guarantee - noun: He gave me a lifetime guarantee; verb: He guaranteed me it would work for a lifetime.
Assure - noun: I need assurance it will work; verb: He assured me it would work.
Promise - noun: You have my promise that it will work; verb: He promised that it would work.
Qual é a diferença entre guarantee e warranty ?
A guarantee is a formal promise that certain actions or conditions will be fulfilled.
Ex: "Our company offers a 10-year guarantee against rusting."
A warranty is a written guarantee to a purchaser promising to replace or repair an item if necessary within a specific period of time.
Ex: "The car comes with a 3 year warranty."
Ex: "Our company offers a 10-year guarantee against rusting."
A warranty is a written guarantee to a purchaser promising to replace or repair an item if necessary within a specific period of time.
Ex: "The car comes with a 3 year warranty."
Qual é a diferença entre guarantee e warranty ?
A guarantee is a promise, written or spoken, that something will be in a certain state or have a certain result.
A warranty is a type of guarantee which is always about something being sold, and is always in writing.
A warranty is a type of guarantee which is always about something being sold, and is always in writing.
Translations of "Guarantee"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? what does 'demonstrate a guarantee' mean?
it's in the last sentence.
it's in the last sentence.
Showed that cybernetics as a discipline can enforce a requirement [of obedience and servitude from the robots]
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? guarantee
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? How do you say guarantee in english?
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? sovereign guarantee
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? No guarantees of course!
you just did 😊
except you place a comma as shown below, to deliver your point:
No guarantees, of course!
except you place a comma as shown below, to deliver your point:
No guarantees, of course!
Other questions about "Guarantee"
There is no guarantee that the problem will not occur again if you continue the same way.
Can you understand this sentence?
Can you understand this sentence?
Perfectly understandable 👍
Perfectly understandable 👍
I want guarantee for what you said. soa natural?
So close.
a guarantee
a guarantee
- The only guarantee in life is that one day it ends.
- And that's why your job at Hallmark didn't work out.
Can anyone please help me with this?
I don't get the meaning of the second sentence.
- And that's why your job at Hallmark didn't work out.
Can anyone please help me with this?
I don't get the meaning of the second sentence.
Hallmark is a company in America that makes motivational cards and posters.
They are making a joke, that this person is being very negative and sad. So they would not last long working at Hallmark.
They are making a joke, that this person is being very negative and sad. So they would not last long working at Hallmark.
there's no guarantee that the opinion of people who are on Facebook is a good representative of the opinion of the majority of people. soa natural?
"representation" would be a better choice than "representative." Both get the point across, but "representation" is correct.
There is no guarantee that North Korea won’t sell its huge amount of chemical weapons to ISIS or other terrorist groups in case it feels insecure or urgently needs foreign currency. This would pose a serious treat to the international community. soa natural?
It's okay except for a few changes:
Instead of "amount", "supply" works better. Also, typically when talking about the country's actions, you would use "they" instead of "it" when referring to them. So, "in case they feel insecure or urgently need foreign currency".
Also a misspell of "threat".
Instead of "amount", "supply" works better. Also, typically when talking about the country's actions, you would use "they" instead of "it" when referring to them. So, "in case they feel insecure or urgently need foreign currency".
Also a misspell of "threat".
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