Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Guarantee"

The meaning of "Guarantee" in various phrases and sentences

Synonyms of "Guarantee" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre guarantee e vouch ?
A: Hello @Asg2 ! 😊 'Vouch' and 'guarantee' are both similar in meaning, but have a slightly different use in my opinion.

Vouch - to be able from your knowledge or experience to say that something is true. To recommend something/someone based on knowledge/experience/relationship. Vouch is usually used in situations of trust, particularly if you're 'vouching' for a person. Vouch is softer than 'guarantee' in that if you vouch for someone or something, it is more taken as your opinion rather than fact. Vouch is also more commonly used when recommending people.


1) My friend is good natured and hard working. I'd totally vouch for him.
→ This means, you trust your friend enough and think they are a good person to recommend them to someone, for example, a job opportunity. 

Guarantee - To promise that something will happen or exist. A promise that something will be done or will happen. Guarantee feels stronger than vouch and is based on a person's abilities/a thing's abilities and the fact that they are capable. If you are 100% sure of something/someone, then you would use guarantee


1) My friend is good natured and hard working. I guarantee he'll do a great job.
→ This means you 100% know that your friend will do a great job. If your friend doesn't do a good job, the person you recommend your friend to is likely to be angry because you 'guaranteed' them. 

Other examples:

1) We stayed at a hotel on the beach in Sri Lanka. It's amazing, I totally guarantee you'll have a great stay there!

2) I can't guarantee that we will be back by 11pm. 

3) If she gets in trouble with the boss then I'll vouch for her. She is a good person, she just made a stupid mistake.

4) I can't vouch for the breakfast they serve. It's my first time eating here, too.

^^ I hope this is helpful! 😊

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