Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hazard"
The meaning of "Hazard" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa choking hazard?
Something that could get caught in a person's throat and prevent them from breathing. It's particularly a concern with children's toys. Very young children put everything in their mouths and a toy small enough to swallow can result in tragedy.
O que significa hazard?
Something dangerous or harmful
O que significa The hazards of the theatre seemed preferable to joining the family paint business.?
This person would rather work in the theatre, in spite of the problems, than work for their family's paint business
O que significa hazards?
dangers - peligrosos ;-)
O que significa hazard(verb)??
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Example sentences using "Hazard"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com hazard (verb).
I would hazard that my own experience is probably fairly typical:
I would hazard to say that I'm closer with my family
I would hazard to say that this might be the first time that....
hazard that results from the accidental caused by toxic chemical
hazard that can be found at home
hazard that are planned by humans
I would hazard that my own experience is probably fairly typical:
I would hazard to say that I'm closer with my family
I would hazard to say that this might be the first time that....
hazard that results from the accidental caused by toxic chemical
hazard that can be found at home
hazard that are planned by humans
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com hazard.
We don't have many daily expressions using hazard but more using hazardous .
A water spillage on the floor is hazardous/ a water spillage on the floor becomes a hazard.
Untied laces are a hazard, as you can trip over them.
Closing train doors are a hazard.
Hazard is just another word for dangerous. Hazardous is synonomous with dangerous. It is most natural for us to say danger/dangerous but you can swap them out.
A water spillage on the floor is hazardous/ a water spillage on the floor becomes a hazard.
Untied laces are a hazard, as you can trip over them.
Closing train doors are a hazard.
Hazard is just another word for dangerous. Hazardous is synonomous with dangerous. It is most natural for us to say danger/dangerous but you can swap them out.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com hazard.
That person was a driving hazard
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com hazards.
The new topic we are studying is natural hazards
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com hazard a guess.
Could you hazard a guess at how many jellybeans are in this jar?
Synonyms of "Hazard" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre hazard e danger ?
Hazard relates to a potential risk of danger whilst danger is a risk which is already manifest. There will be many cases where one can argue with others quite where the line is drawn between hazard and danger.
A wire lying across a path is a hazard, especially if you don’t notice it.
A deep hole in a path will always be a danger to the well-being of pedestrians/cyclists.
A wire lying across a path is a hazard, especially if you don’t notice it.
A deep hole in a path will always be a danger to the well-being of pedestrians/cyclists.
Qual é a diferença entre hazard e risk ?
Usually, hazard is used to describe an object (“there’s a hazard in the road, be careful!”) and risk is used to describe a verb (“fighting a bear is a risk.”)
Qual é a diferença entre hazard e Hazardous ?
They are the same word, just a different form. The difference comes in what you are talking about. Hazard is used when talking about an item specifically. "A knife is a hazard." or "Playing with a knife is a hazard." Hazardous is used when talking about an item in relation to something else. "Playing with a knife is hazardous to your hands." or "Eating paint is hazardous to your health."
Qual é a diferença entre hazard e risk ?
Hazard is something that can really cause harm. A risk is the danger that a thing or situation may pose or it is the chance ,high or low, a hazard may cause.
Working in a chemical factory is a hazard. It has a high risk on your health without wearing the proper attire.
Working in a chemical factory is a hazard. It has a high risk on your health without wearing the proper attire.
Qual é a diferença entre hazard e risk ?
The way I see it, hazard is more physical than risk. You can easily see it or identify it. for example, if you're driving down the road, there may be a child walking in the road. That would be a hazard. Risk can also be physical but it cal also be more general. For example, you could say that starting a new business involves risk (you don't say exactly what risk this is). Hope this helps.
Translations of "Hazard"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? hazard
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? what does it mean hazard lights ?
Hazard lights are when a vehicle has all of the lights flashing, like when I car is broke down in the middle of the road. Usually the owner of the car will put the hazard lights on so people can see "the hazard".
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? hazard
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? hazards kaya hota hai
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? le hazard
The chance.
Other questions about "Hazard"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar 1. harass
2. hazard.
2. hazard.
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Let me hazard a guess.
Let me venture a guess.
Let me venture to guess.
do people say those when they speak??
Let me venture a guess.
Let me venture to guess.
do people say those when they speak??
@overrunie sure will :)
But it’s not like you will never hear it which is pretty rare unless you say it jokingly to someone. So yes you can say it to the close people to you. For coworkers you can also just stick to “let me guess”
But it’s not like you will never hear it which is pretty rare unless you say it jokingly to someone. So yes you can say it to the close people to you. For coworkers you can also just stick to “let me guess”
"I'd hazard a pretty strong guess that you are an english major. arent you?" soa natural?
hi! that makes sense, but instead i would say « i have a strong feeling you are an english major, are you? » i hope that helps :)
There are many hazards included with running a business. soa natural?
Running a business can be hazardous.
Running a business can be hazardous.
Could you turn on the hazard lights? soa natural?
"Can you turn..." is a little more casual though :)
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