Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Heap"
Synonyms of "Heap" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Heap e Stack ?
a heap is the complete opposite. it's an untidy collection of objects placed haphazardly on top of each other.
example: a disordered heap of a lot of boxes
you can also use this word to indicate that there is a lot of something
example: we have heaps of room
example: a disordered heap of a lot of boxes
you can also use this word to indicate that there is a lot of something
example: we have heaps of room
Qual é a diferença entre Heap e Pile ?
A heap is big. A pile can be small, medium, or big.
Other questions about "Heap"
Heap those shoes together on that heap. soa natural?
I don't think you would ever hear it, but it is grammatically correct and makes sense.
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