Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Kffic"
Other questions about "Kffic"
As of now, KFFIC has 72 members companies and about 8,700 union members joined. soa natural?
I assume you mean "As of now, the KFFIC has 72 member companies and about 8,700 union members joined.", without the "s" at member, right? You're talking about 72 companies that are part of the KFFIC, right?
KFFIC was established in 2007 to promote a sound development of South Korean fastener industry. They also work to enhance the status-strengthening and the interest of manufacturers. soa natural?
I'm not sure what "fastener industry" means.
I also don't understand what it means to "enhance the status-strengthening and the interest of manufacturers."
I also don't understand what it means to "enhance the status-strengthening and the interest of manufacturers."
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