Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Label"

Synonyms of "Label" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre label e brand ?
A: Each has a literal meaning and a figurative meaning related to the original.

A label is a piece of paper or plastic attached to an object with information about that object written on it.

A brand is a distinctive burn mark applied to something to classify it in some way. Traditionally, owners of cattle would have a unique brand that they would apply to each cow in order to make sure that it would always be identifiable as belonging to them if it ever got lost or stolen.

Since a label would often display the name of a product, designer or manufacturer, and since a brand was an identifying mark frequently used to group products as coming from a single source, both came to be used as metaphors for referring directly to those things.

So a "label" might be a designer or company that producers a product (and which would therefore appear on the label) while a brand is also the name associated with a product or the name of the company that produces the product (which will usually appear on that product or have some sort of logo like the burn marks that used to be used).

They are both ways of referring to the distinguishing features of a product by associating it with other products of the same type or a common source.

'Label' is used slightly more restrictedly in that a label is usually a common source for multiple products that involve some sort of creative or design component. So if they come out with a totally new product, you will associate it with the quality of design of previous products.

A brand is more general, and refers to any name used commercially. A business that produces lots of products is a brand, and each of those products individually is it's own brand.

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