Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Mystify"
The meaning of "Mystify" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa mystify?
To confuse, perplex. “I am mystified by the arcane rules of Latin grammar.”
O que significa to mystify ?
It means to baffle someone.
The mystery of the Devil's Triangle mystifies people as more and more planes and ships disappear in the area.
Articles and stories about Aokigahara seem to mystify many Americans.
The mystery of the Devil's Triangle mystifies people as more and more planes and ships disappear in the area.
Articles and stories about Aokigahara seem to mystify many Americans.
Example sentences using "Mystify"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com mystifying.
The cause of the disease mystified doctors for many years.
The magician has been mystifying his audiences for years with his amazing tricks.
The magician has been mystifying his audiences for years with his amazing tricks.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com "mystify" and "baffle".
no one uses those words in real life
Synonyms of "Mystify" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre mystify e delude ?
Mystify = confused but interested
Delude = mislead, think one thing even though there is evidence of something else
"I was mystified by the magic trick."
"The crime mystified police."
"He will delude you into thinking he is important."
"Don't delude yourself into thinking that cake is healthy."
Delude = mislead, think one thing even though there is evidence of something else
"I was mystified by the magic trick."
"The crime mystified police."
"He will delude you into thinking he is important."
"Don't delude yourself into thinking that cake is healthy."
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