Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Outlandish"
The meaning of "Outlandish" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa outlandish?
thank you ;)
Example sentences using "Outlandish"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com outlandish
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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com outlandish.
"Look at his clothes, aren't they outlandish?"
I found the sentence below on a dictionary website and it describes the state I live in perfectly,
"The state seems to have more than its fair share of outlandish crimes, hilarious frauds, and bizarre history."
This idea is not as outlandish as it seems.
Last year my family visited some strange and outlandish places.
I found the sentence below on a dictionary website and it describes the state I live in perfectly,
"The state seems to have more than its fair share of outlandish crimes, hilarious frauds, and bizarre history."
This idea is not as outlandish as it seems.
Last year my family visited some strange and outlandish places.
Synonyms of "Outlandish" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre outlandish e awkward e stranger ?
They all mean entirely different things.
Outlandish is crazy, weird, unbelievable. It's an adjective.
Awkward is shy, clumsy, uncomfortable, unwieldy. It's an adjective.
A stranger is a person you don't know. It's a noun. Alternatively, it can be a comparison word indicating that one thing is 'more strange' than another.
Outlandish is crazy, weird, unbelievable. It's an adjective.
Awkward is shy, clumsy, uncomfortable, unwieldy. It's an adjective.
A stranger is a person you don't know. It's a noun. Alternatively, it can be a comparison word indicating that one thing is 'more strange' than another.
Qual é a diferença entre outlandish e foreing ?
thanks (:
Qual é a diferença entre outlandish e exotic ?
Thank you😄
Qual é a diferença entre outlandish e weird ?
outlandish: looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar
Example : outlandish brightly colored clothes.
Weird: suggesting something supernatural ; uncanny
Example : the weird crying of a seal.
Example : outlandish brightly colored clothes.
Weird: suggesting something supernatural ; uncanny
Example : the weird crying of a seal.
Qual é a diferença entre outlandish e weird e bizarre ?
They are all interchangeable. Bizarre and weird both mean out of place or strange. Outlandish means to be shocking bizarre or weird in a foreign way.
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