Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Overconfident"
Example sentences using "Overconfident"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com overconfident.
"He is so overconfident that he comes off as rude" "She's way too overconfident" "It's good to be confident, but try not to be overconfident"
Other questions about "Overconfident"
I thought we must not be overconfident. soa natural?
× I thought we must not be overconfident.
✓ I thought we must not get overconfident.
I have tried to make this better but this is an awkward sentence. In what situation would you want to say this?
✓ I thought we must not get overconfident.
I have tried to make this better but this is an awkward sentence. In what situation would you want to say this?
"You are pushy, overconfident and if I may say so, sometimes mean."
Hi. I just try writing a senence with using "if I may say so". Does this sound natural?
Hi. I just try writing a senence with using "if I may say so". Does this sound natural?
Sounds good! In my opinion, it would look better with commas after “overconfident” and “and”, but that’s a matter of preference.
I don't like much who is overconfident.
Could you tell me if the above sentence is natural?
Could you tell me if the above sentence is natural?
@dtmsmn "I don't like people who are overconfident"
"I don't like those who are really overconfident"
^These sound more natural.
"I don't like those who are really overconfident"
^These sound more natural.
He is overconfident.
Sounds natural?
Sounds natural?
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