Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pithy"
The meaning of "Pithy" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa pithy?
There is two ways to explain Pithy.
1) Is to express yourself or something either forcefully or concisely
2) Is the Pith of a fruit like an orange or lemon
1) Is to express yourself or something either forcefully or concisely
2) Is the Pith of a fruit like an orange or lemon
O que significa pithy?
It's usually used in a speech or writing, meaning expressing an idea cleverly in a few words
O que significa pithy?
"meaningful", I think
Synonyms of "Pithy" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre pithy e witty ?
Great question
Witty means, actually funny, in a clever way
People who think they are funny are seldom witty - do you see?
Pithy means, saying something in a way that is brief, and exactly on point. It need not be humourous.
But, pithiness is an essential component of wit.
Great question
Witty means, actually funny, in a clever way
People who think they are funny are seldom witty - do you see?
Pithy means, saying something in a way that is brief, and exactly on point. It need not be humourous.
But, pithiness is an essential component of wit.
Qual é a diferença entre pithy e succinct ?
Other questions about "Pithy"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar pithy.
pith, pithy.
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