Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Secure"
The meaning of "Secure" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa secure?
That line looks like a telegram message/a brief note, probably a daily report sent to its owner by a caregiver. I think it means "the dog is safe, there are no indications [of any disease/imminent danger]".
O que significa secure?
to make something safe
O que significa secure it?
It mean to fix or attach something firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost
O que significa "secure" in 179?
Secure (in the military sense) means to make sure the place is safe and that there are no enemies.
Example sentences using "Secure"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com secure .
I put a lock on my door to make it secure.
I have a password on my account to secure it.
I have a password on my account to secure it.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com secure.
Please secure your belongings under the table.
The police has secured the perimeters.
Do you feel secure and safe when you are with your boyfriend?
The police has secured the perimeters.
Do you feel secure and safe when you are with your boyfriend?
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com secure.
You being here makes me feel secure. I feel secure when you're around.
please ensure that your seat belt is secure
please ensure that your seat belt is secure
Synonyms of "Secure" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre secure e obtain ?
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Qual é a diferença entre secure e obtain ?
Secure means to “keep” or hold on to something you already have.
Obtain is to get something you do not have, but wish to get.
Obtain is to get something you do not have, but wish to get.
Qual é a diferença entre secure e procure ?
secure is to keep safe
procure is to get/obtain
procure is to get/obtain
Qual é a diferença entre secure e safe ?
Their meanings are quite familiar to each other, but there are cases where you must use one over the other.
For example,
I feel secured.
I feel safe.
They mean the same thing: you are steady-going with little to no difficulties.
But in cases like,
My job is secured.
X My job is safe. X
You must use secure rather than safe.
Secure is more of a status or state of being, while safe can also be a feeling.
For example,
I feel secured.
I feel safe.
They mean the same thing: you are steady-going with little to no difficulties.
But in cases like,
My job is secured.
X My job is safe. X
You must use secure rather than safe.
Secure is more of a status or state of being, while safe can also be a feeling.
Qual é a diferença entre secure e safe ?
While they are similar in definition, secure can also mean sure or confident while safe usually refers to a safety, comfort kind of feeling.
I feel secure about this project. (Usually you'd say sure or confident in place of secure but secure can also work in this case.)
I feel safe in this neighborhoods. (This refers to a safety need)
Both words have even more definitions but this is just one example of their differences. Hope this helps!
I feel secure about this project. (Usually you'd say sure or confident in place of secure but secure can also work in this case.)
I feel safe in this neighborhoods. (This refers to a safety need)
Both words have even more definitions but this is just one example of their differences. Hope this helps!
Translations of "Secure"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Financially secure or financially secured?
Financially secured
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? secure
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Other questions about "Secure"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar secure .
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar secure.
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secure soa natural?
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