Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Significant"
The meaning of "Significant" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa significant other ?
Good question.👍 No you would not refer to your parents as your significant other. However, you can refer to a really close friend as your significant other because you have that deep relationship as well.
O que significa significant ?
I think it depends on the context, but it usually means an adjective to describe something or someone that matters or that is important.
O que significa significant other?
O que significa significant??
It has many meaning such as :
1- important; of consequence.
2- having or expressing a meaning; indicative; suggestive:
a significant wink.
3- Statistics.of or relating to observations that are unlikely to occur by chance and that therefore indicate a systematic cause.
4- something significant; a sign.
Hope that helped
1- important; of consequence.
2- having or expressing a meaning; indicative; suggestive:
a significant wink.
3- Statistics.of or relating to observations that are unlikely to occur by chance and that therefore indicate a systematic cause.
4- something significant; a sign.
Hope that helped
O que significa significant other?
Somebody you have a stable romantic relationship with.
Example sentences using "Significant"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com significant .
There was a significant increase in sales this year.
There is a significant amount of toxins in this plant.
This tea promotes significant health benefits.
Older cars take a significant amount of gas.
It takes a significant amount of strength to move something like that.
There is a significant amount of toxins in this plant.
This tea promotes significant health benefits.
Older cars take a significant amount of gas.
It takes a significant amount of strength to move something like that.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com significant.
A significant amount of information was available on the subject.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com significant.
She is my significant other.
There is no significant difference.
There’s nothing significant about it.
There is no significant difference.
There’s nothing significant about it.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com significant.
significant means important and relevant, considerably large, rich in implication:
◇ a significant change in tax laws
◇ a significant change in the Constitution
◇ have a significant contribution to society
◇ significant details
◇ statistically significant
◇ no significant difference was found
(source: Ultralingua dictionary app)
◇ a significant change in tax laws
◇ a significant change in the Constitution
◇ have a significant contribution to society
◇ significant details
◇ statistically significant
◇ no significant difference was found
(source: Ultralingua dictionary app)
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com significant.
That is not significant enough to matter. A significant portion of the test is on math. 就是说重要的,主要点。
Synonyms of "Significant" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre significant e important e essential e vital ?
These all mean the same thing. They are synonyms of each other.
-It is vital that I get this medicine to the village.
-It is essential for me to get this medicine to the village.
-It is important that I get this medicine to the village.
-It is significant to get this medicine to the village.
-It is vital that I get this medicine to the village.
-It is essential for me to get this medicine to the village.
-It is important that I get this medicine to the village.
-It is significant to get this medicine to the village.
Qual é a diferença entre significant e important ?
Important means that something has value and is worthy to note.
Significant can mean something is symbolic or carries a meaning.
They’re sometimes interchangeable, but it depends on the context.
Significant can mean something is symbolic or carries a meaning.
They’re sometimes interchangeable, but it depends on the context.
Qual é a diferença entre significant e considerable ?
They are quite different, although in certain circumstances can be used interchangeably.
Significant means important.
You can pretty much replace significant with important in all sentences.
"Being able to drive my own car bares no signicance to me." -> "Being able to drive my own car bares no importance to me."
"Fossil fuels are a significant factor contributing to global warming." -> "Fossil fuels are an important factor contributing to global warming."
Considerable means more like quite a bit/ to a large extent.
"The damage from the storm was considerable."
"Rising housing prices have become a considerable issue in many cities."
This last sentence could use 'significant', but has a slightly different meaning.
TLDR: Significant means important; Considerable means to a large extent.
Significant means important.
You can pretty much replace significant with important in all sentences.
"Being able to drive my own car bares no signicance to me." -> "Being able to drive my own car bares no importance to me."
"Fossil fuels are a significant factor contributing to global warming." -> "Fossil fuels are an important factor contributing to global warming."
Considerable means more like quite a bit/ to a large extent.
"The damage from the storm was considerable."
"Rising housing prices have become a considerable issue in many cities."
This last sentence could use 'significant', but has a slightly different meaning.
TLDR: Significant means important; Considerable means to a large extent.
Qual é a diferença entre significant e crucial ?
"Crucial" does mean "very important", but "significant" doesn't. It may be used in place of "very important", but its real meaning is "has significance" = 意義深い.
Qual é a diferença entre significant e important ?
"Important" is how vital or necessary something is while "significant" can describe how important something is, how much it supports a certain finding, or how much different it is compared to something else.
For example: "This document is really important."
"There is a significant difference between these two lab findings."
For example: "This document is really important."
"There is a significant difference between these two lab findings."
Translations of "Significant"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? significant other
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? significant
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? significant
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? significant
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Other questions about "Significant"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar "significant".
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar significant.
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar significant and significantly.
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar significant.
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