Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Slab"
The meaning of "Slab" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa concrete slab?
A slab is a rectangular slice of a hard substance, such as concrete. It is usually thick.
O que significa paving slabs?
Paving Slabs = is used as a discription of large sections of road. In the sentence, "paving slabs" is used as a way to over emphasize the size of the books.
O que significa it was a great grim slab?
I do not understand. Do you have an example for how you heard this?
Synonyms of "Slab" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre slab e cube ?
Slab to będzie płyta, płaska i kwadratowa na przykład, a cube to jest kostka, sześcian, coś bardziej wymiarowego, tak przynajmniej rozróżniłabym te dwa słowa
Qual é a diferença entre slab e panel ?
slab - big, thick, heavy, horizontal. Concrete slab. Iron slab.
panel - thin, light, vertical. Wall panel.
Another meaning for "panel": "a group of people". Discussion panel.
panel - thin, light, vertical. Wall panel.
Another meaning for "panel": "a group of people". Discussion panel.
Translations of "Slab"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? slab 是什么食物?
"What is the food?" or "What food is it?"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? how to say "Can I have a slab of VB?" naturally
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Other questions about "Slab"
-A slab of pale yellow spread away until it meets a purple stripe.
What does slab mean there?
What does that sentence mean?
-Globe is hanging down in a drop against the enormous flanks of some hill.
-Drops of white light
What is the use of drops there?
What does slab mean there?
What does that sentence mean?
-Globe is hanging down in a drop against the enormous flanks of some hill.
-Drops of white light
What is the use of drops there?
A slab is something shaped quite flat (but thick). So for example you can have a "slab of meat" like a steak, or a "paving slab" on the sidewalk/pavement!
after the reheating is done, the slab continues on to the scaler machine where high-pressure water is blasted onto the surface to remove oxidized carbon from the steel slab. soa natural?
Well done. Just one point...
--> "After reheating, the slab..."
"after" implies that the process is done, so there is no need for "done"
--> "After reheating, the slab..."
"after" implies that the process is done, so there is no need for "done"
There were three slabs of chocolate on the dish soa natural?
This is correct if talking about a large slice of chocolate. If talking about normal sized pieces, we would use "pieces" or "bars" of chocolate....
He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily. soa natural?
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