Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Slink"
The meaning of "Slink" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa slink?
It is similar to “sneak”, “creep” and “lurk”.
For example: He slunk past the garage door.
For example: He slunk past the garage door.
O que significa slink?
To move stealthily or furtively, as if you are afraid or ashamed.
- When his master caught him chewing the chair legs, the dog backed away and slinked outside.
- When you make a mistake you should face the consequences bravely, don’t just slink away and hope that nobody notices.
- When his master caught him chewing the chair legs, the dog backed away and slinked outside.
- When you make a mistake you should face the consequences bravely, don’t just slink away and hope that nobody notices.
O que significa slink?
To move around quietly.
To sneak.
To move and while staying hidden.
She is slinking around the house.
Cats slink at night.
He slunk to the fridge. (past)
To sneak.
To move and while staying hidden.
She is slinking around the house.
Cats slink at night.
He slunk to the fridge. (past)
Example sentences using "Slink"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com "to sneak" "to slink" "to skunk" "to stalk" "to prowl".
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Synonyms of "Slink" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre slink e slunk ?
slink is present tense, slunk is past tense
Qual é a diferença entre slink e sneak ?
Not much difference
He was sneaking around the bank
He was slinking around the bank
Probably sneaking around used more nowadays
He was sneaking around the bank
He was slinking around the bank
Probably sneaking around used more nowadays
Qual é a diferença entre slink away e slip away ?
"Slink" and "slip" can be used interchangeably in this context, but sometimes "slink" can have more of a negative feel to it.
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