Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sur"
The meaning of "Sur" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa sur y como se usa / también que significa " y " como se usa : pongo un ejemplo :" c' est sur la droite "?
Eso no es inglés sino francés, creo que tendrías más suerte en encontrar una respuesta si lo preguntas en Preguntas de Francés en lugar de Inglés.
O que significa the sur name below?
Sur name means last name.
O que significa "sur"?
In this sentence, they mean 'sure' but didn't spell it out completely =)
O que significa i'm sur?
I'm sure*
It means you are certain of something, that you know about it completely.
It means you are certain of something, that you know about it completely.
Synonyms of "Sur" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre sur name e Last Name ?
*Surname (una palabra)
No hay ningún diferencia
No hay ningún diferencia
Translations of "Sur"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Renchérir sur ce qu'on raconte
One-up a story
"That guy keeps on one-uping his stories."
"That guy keeps on one-uping his stories."
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? "sur le moment" (dans un sens futur... ex: tu décideras sur le moment)
@Chyaari @Camille971
I am only a beginner in French.
But wouldn’t it be more like “in the moment”?
You’ll decide in the moment or you’ll decide at the time?
I am only a beginner in French.
But wouldn’t it be more like “in the moment”?
You’ll decide in the moment or you’ll decide at the time?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Œufs sur le plat, œufs à la coque, œufs durs, œufs brouillés ?
Fried eggs, boiled eggs, hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? sur le qui-vive ? ( l'expression )
Ce est "(Be) on (your) guard" ou "(Be) on (the) alert."
Other questions about "Sur"
I'm not sur I got that wright
I'm a cool dude...
I'm a cool dude...
yeah, you got it right. That was totally cringe-worthy.
How do you say "tombé sur qqch" in English? I usually say "come across sth" like "Oh I just came across this video" but is it common? any other ways?
I just happened to find...
I stumbled across...
By chance I found...
I just bumped into (a person)...
I stumbled across...
By chance I found...
I just bumped into (a person)...
I am not sur whether they take your currency, so I think you better have some dollar with you. soa natural?
(Im not sure whether they accept your currency or not)
You can hang these colorful sur boards to decorate a living room, a bedroom or a classroom and somewhere else you like. soa natural?
thank you
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