Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sustainability"
The meaning of "Sustainability" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa sustainability metric ?
Since she’s talking about greenhouse gas emissions, I assume she means sustainability as in protecting the environment. A metric is a criteria for measuring something. I think sustainability metric means the amount of impact (metric) that this practice has on the environment (sustainability). When she says alters, I assume she means that it positively alters
O que significa sustainability?
A strategy of use of natural resources that does not jeopardise human race.
O que significa sustainability?
Sustainablity means avoiding natural resourse depletion
Sustainablity means avoiding natural resourse depletion
O que significa sustainability practice?
it depends on the context, but it means to try to do things sustainably (like using solar energy, because we won't run out of solar energy) by the way 侵略位イカ娘が好き! :3
Translations of "Sustainability"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? sustainability
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? sustainability
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? sustainability
sustainability s u s t a i n a b i l i t y sustainability
Other questions about "Sustainability"
But what's important here is sustainability. Let me talk about sustainability.
It's not easy to maintain a steady relationship with your new friend. Therefore, it is common for them to end up only exchanging greetings. So, what should you do to continue your relationship with your Korean friend?
If you've simply introduced yourself, you'd better ask a variety of questions consistently. Both English and Korean are fine. Koreans who use this app are relatively kind.
But what really matters here is your mindset.
If there's anything you want from your opponent, you have to think about what you can give him or her. It is not easy to last long relationship if the relationship is one-sided. So if there's anything you want, you have to think about what you can give to your opponent.
It will take a certain amount of time, attention, and effort for the relationship to continue, so please consider this when you want to continue the relationship. soa natural?
It's not easy to maintain a steady relationship with your new friend. Therefore, it is common for them to end up only exchanging greetings. So, what should you do to continue your relationship with your Korean friend?
If you've simply introduced yourself, you'd better ask a variety of questions consistently. Both English and Korean are fine. Koreans who use this app are relatively kind.
But what really matters here is your mindset.
If there's anything you want from your opponent, you have to think about what you can give him or her. It is not easy to last long relationship if the relationship is one-sided. So if there's anything you want, you have to think about what you can give to your opponent.
It will take a certain amount of time, attention, and effort for the relationship to continue, so please consider this when you want to continue the relationship. soa natural?
But let's talk about how to sustain relationships.
It's not easy to maintain a steady relationship with your new friend. It is common for them to end up only exchanging greetings. So, what should you do to continue your relationship with your Korean friend?
If you've simply introduced yourself, you should ask a variety of questions consistently. Both English and Korean questions are fine. Koreans who use this app are relatively kind.
But what really matters here is your mindset.
If there's anything you want from your opponent, you have to think about what you can give him or her. It is not easy to have a long lasting relationship if the relationship is one-sided. So if there's anything you want, you have to think about what you can give to your opponent.
It will take a certain amount of time, attention, and effort for the relationship to continue, so please consider this when you want to continue the relationship.
It's not easy to maintain a steady relationship with your new friend. It is common for them to end up only exchanging greetings. So, what should you do to continue your relationship with your Korean friend?
If you've simply introduced yourself, you should ask a variety of questions consistently. Both English and Korean questions are fine. Koreans who use this app are relatively kind.
But what really matters here is your mindset.
If there's anything you want from your opponent, you have to think about what you can give him or her. It is not easy to have a long lasting relationship if the relationship is one-sided. So if there's anything you want, you have to think about what you can give to your opponent.
It will take a certain amount of time, attention, and effort for the relationship to continue, so please consider this when you want to continue the relationship.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar sustainability.
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important to achieving sustainability goals soa natural?
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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