Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Swollen"
The meaning of "Swollen" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa swollen?
Enlarged, often filled up with fluid
O que significa swollen?
It means inflated
O que significa swollen?
O que significa swollen?
It means enlarged, bigger than before. It is usually associated with pain or injury, but it can be used in a few other situations, too. Some examples:
My knee was swollen from falling on it. (Typical use)
The town's population had swollen after high-paying jobs began appearing there. (More figurative use)
My knee was swollen from falling on it. (Typical use)
The town's population had swollen after high-paying jobs began appearing there. (More figurative use)
Example sentences using "Swollen"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com swollen.
Your cheek is swollen.
His swollen eyes kept crying.
Her face looks so swollen.
I practiced too hard that my feet are swollen.
His swollen eyes kept crying.
Her face looks so swollen.
I practiced too hard that my feet are swollen.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com swollen.
Your toe looks swollen! Is it infected? -> natural, most common usage, with body parts
The river was swollen from all the melting ice. -> OK but a bit formal
Our workload has swollen because of all the new clients. -> also a bit formal
The river was swollen from all the melting ice. -> OK but a bit formal
Our workload has swollen because of all the new clients. -> also a bit formal
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com swollen .
Here are some examples.
•After getting my wisdom teeth removed, my mouth was swollen.
•After people have plastic surgery, their face becomes swollen.
•My hand is swollen from what I did yesterday.
Hope this helped~
•After getting my wisdom teeth removed, my mouth was swollen.
•After people have plastic surgery, their face becomes swollen.
•My hand is swollen from what I did yesterday.
Hope this helped~
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com swollen .
I just went to the dentist so my mouth is swollen.
The boy got in a fight, now his eye is swollen. (a swollen black eye)
He got punched in the eye, and it swelled up like a baseball.
The boy got in a fight, now his eye is swollen. (a swollen black eye)
He got punched in the eye, and it swelled up like a baseball.
Synonyms of "Swollen" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre swollen e bloated ?
thank you!! then when your eyes or face is larger than usual which is natural? my eyes/ face is swollen, or my eyes/ face is bloated?
Qual é a diferença entre swollen e tumid e bloated ?
Bloating is caused by gas in the abdomen. Body parts are swollen because of injury or inflammation.
Qual é a diferença entre "swollen" e "swollen up" ?
По-моему, ни разницы нет. В данном контексте приставка не служит никакой целе. Это просто разговорная речь.
Translations of "Swollen"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? swollen
Here is how I say the word. I am from Georgia, I do not have a strong accent however.
Other questions about "Swollen"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar swollen and cold sore.
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar swollen.
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am i swollen now? soa natural?
Is my (body part) swollen now?
Eg. "Is my foot swollen now?"
Eg. "Is my foot swollen now?"
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