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Q: Tim,

I couldn’t follow the full discussion due to the poor connection but here are some thoughts:

1. AAA offers very little insights and is incapable with coming up with solutions.

2. BBB and AAA lost track of the main objectives, i.e. (1) search for new applications for our existing materials, (2) link us to the OEM via such service companies – of which, objective (1) is not met, and objective (2) is iffy.

3. I voiced Point 2 out in English, and thought that AAA could be more creative with the price negotiations. When they did not get the hint, I then had to tell them in Japanese to re-do and renegotiate the damn package. Again – this possible solution came from us. So we are paying them for things we know how to do.

4. I am keen to work with any of the engineering companies, especially XXX for several reasons: (1) They know how to work with non-metal materials – a big plus, (2) They have CAE simulations for GF composites (which is painful for us), (3) They are used to working with Japanese, and they have a Japanese on their staff. It is not for important for you per se, but we have to think of the long term impact (after you leave your current role), who is going to act as the bridge? I did not want to raise this point because it shows the weakness of our company to the AAA people.

Your thoughts?


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