Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Trashing"
The meaning of "Trashing" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa trashing
"trashing a room" means to cause a lot of damage to a room, either accidentally or on purpose - more than merely making a mess.
O que significa go trashing?
wrecking, destroying, ruining, making a mess
O que significa They were trashing me without any reason.?
Means other people were dping mean things to him/her for no good reason.
Other questions about "Trashing"
The trashing of the Go grandmaster has sparked a hotly lively debate on artificial intelligence, especially its impact.
Are there mistakes in the sentence? soa natural?
Are there mistakes in the sentence? soa natural?
It's very nearly accurate. I think it would be a little better as: "The trashing of the Go grandmaster has sparked a lively debate about artificial intelligence and its impact".
are you trashing me like that over that tiny dent on your car?
are you trashing me like that for that tiny dent on your car?
are both right? what's the difference?
are you trashing me like that for that tiny dent on your car?
are both right? what's the difference?
Are you trashing me over that tiny dent on your car
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