
220 Pins
Task Mats for Following Directions, Listening Skills, Counting, & Life Skills
These hands-on TASK MATS cover so many skills All-in-One and are super engaging and enticing!! Your students will have fun building a burger, a pizza, and an ice cream cone. There are 5 Task Mats included in this set. Each mat provides hands-on opportunities for students to practice following directions, following a 4-step task, listening skills, counting skills, and life skills. Mats include: 1) Build a Pizza 2) Build a Burger 3) Build a Picnic 4) Build an Ice Cream 5) Laundry Day
The Best Kindness Games for Kids to Focus on SEL
These are a list of the best kindness games for kids to play to focus on social emotional learning. These are hands on games so kids won't really know they're learning about kindness and social emotional learning concepts.
Executive Functioning Skills Activities, Worksheets, and Lessons for Elementary
Teach critical executive functioning skills to younger kids! They too can learn planning, organization, attention, and more.
Social Skills Escape Room #1
Use this social skills escape room to teach kids and young adults critical skills in a fun and interactive way! Kids will solve puzzles and decipher clues while learning about following directions, personal space, sharing, listening, and more. Perfect for a social skills group, advisory period, resource room, and more. #socialskills #escaperoom
Social Story: Saying I'm Going to Hurt Myself When I Really Don't Mean It
Social Story: Saying I'm Going to Hurt Myself When I Really Don't Mean It
Free Mindful Cookie Breaths SEL worksheet and activity page
Practice breathing as a way to support calm and focus. Helpful to use for transition times or in a calming area to support behavior management. Good for morning work or lunch bunch. Could be a bibliotherapy companion activity for Stop and Smell the Cookies. The Cookie Monster would approve. #selfcare #selfregulation #breathwork #mindfulnessactivities #emotionalwellbeing #anxietyrelief #bekindtoyourself #meditation #freebies
Anger Management Game & Activities Use w/ or w/o Soda Pop Head
Anger management is a vital skill for our students. Many kids are overpowered by intense emotions and need to be taught how to respond when they are frustrated. I've had a lot of success teaching my students anger management strategies through games and activities based off of picture books. The activities in this packet were developed for classroom guidance and small group lessons while using Julia Cook's fabulous Soda Pop Head! If you don't have the book, don't worry! All of the activities