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How do you tell the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown?
Tantrum VS Meltdown How do you tell the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown? What would you add to these lists? To learn more about Sensory Processing Disorder sensoryprocessingdisorderparentsupport.com #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdifferences #sensoryprocessingdisorder #adhd #sensory #sensorychallenges #sensorydifficulties #sensorydifferences
IEP Goals for Self Regulation
Writing IEP goals, (especially IEP goals for self-regulation needs) can be tricky. The tricky part is knowing what to measure, and how to measure it. In this post we will review IEP Goals for Self Regulation. Check out this resource for all of the info:
How to be Neurodiversity Affirming
7 ways to be neurodiversity affirming flyer. Great parents, teachers, educators, therapists IEP team, and anyone with a autistic or neurodiverse child in their life!
Premack Principle
I'm working with a mom who's young son was recently diagnosed with autism. In helping her think of ways to help him eat protein, I mentioned the Premack Principle (based on David Premack's research...
Monasa My Circle of Control I Will Focus on Poster Home Decor Wall Decor - Etsy
Monasa My Circle of Control I Will Focus on Poster Home Decor - Etsy Canada