Sondagem Diagnóstica de Língua Inglesa - Cópia

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1- Qual a ideia central do texto?


2- Qual a origem da liberdade de expresso?

3 O que Declarao de Direitos?
4 De quem so os direitos que esto garantidos pela Constituio e pela Declarao de Direitos?
5 Indique se o uso dos verbos no infinitivo est correto.
a. We regret to inform you that the flight has been cancelled. [Y] or [N]
b. She went on to becoming a celebrated writer a few years later. [Y] or [N]
c. Remember to wake me up at 6 am. [Y] or [N]
d. I forgot to lock the door before I left. [Y] or [N]
6 Organize as oraes de forma que fiquem sintaticamente corretas.
a. father, I, with, speak, my, English
b. dont, cheese, eat, I
c. now, with, speak, mother, I, my
d. eat, I, bread, dont
e. study, I, dont, French, sister, my, with
7- Indique a sentena correta para as oraes abaixo.
a. I tried .. a ticket, but they were all sold out.
to get


b. I tried . to the manager personally, but that didnt help.

to speak / speaking

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