07-Lesson 7 Present Continuous
07-Lesson 7 Present Continuous
07-Lesson 7 Present Continuous
Editora Exato 25
to work = trabalhar to stop = parar
Forma Negativa Forma Contrída Forma Negativa Forma Contrída
I am not working I’m not working I am not stopping I’m not stopping
You are not working You aren’t working You are not stopping You aren’t stopping
He is not working He isn’t working He is not stopping He isn’t stopping
She is not working She isn’t working She is not stopping She isn’t stopping
It is not working It isn’t working It is not stopping It isn’t stopping
We are not working We aren’t working We are not stopping We aren’t stopping
You are not working You aren’t working You are not stopping You aren’t stopping
They are not working They aren’t working They are not stopping They aren’t stopping
Editora Exato 26
o verbo to be no presente (are) e o gerúndio do verbo
principal (using). A segunda frase contém apenas um
CONTINUOUS: verbo: are, verbo to be no presente simples. A ter-
Geralmente usa-se advérbios de tempo em ceira frase também possui apenas um verbo: is, verbo
frases no Present Continuous. As expressões mais u- to be no presente simples. E a última frase também
sadas são: possui apenas um verbo: prefer, presente simples do
now – agora verbo to prefer (preferir). Assim, a alternativa correta
at this moment – neste momento é a letra c.
at present – no presente
1 Quando é usado o Presente Contínuo em inglês? 1 Para formar o gerúndio em inglês, acrescenta-se
a terminação ING no final dos verbos, porém há
algumas regras e exceções. Marque a alternativa
2 Como é formado o Presente Contínuo? que tenha todos os verbos na forma correta do ge-
3 Como é formado o gerúndio em inglês? a) to play – playing / to love – loving / to stop –
stopping / to agree – agreeing
b) to play – plaing / to love – loveing / to stop –
4 Como é formada a negativa e a interrogativa do stoping / to agree – agreeing
Presente Contínuo em inglês? c) to play – plaing / to love – loving / to stop –
stopping / to agree – agreing
d) to play – playing / to love – loving / to stop –
EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS stoping / to agree – agring
1 Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente
a frase “Answer the telephone, please! It 2 Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque
__________________” no Present Continuous. a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma
a) is ringing. frase nesse tempo verbal:
b) ring. a) Paul is work in the garden at this moment.
c) rings. b) Paul is working in the garden at this moment.
d) ringing. c) Paul working in the garden at this moment.
Resolução: O Present Continuous é formado d) Paul are working in the garden at this moment.
pelo presente simples do verbo to be (am / is / are) e
pelo verbo principal no gerúndio (ING). Assim, a
única alternativa que possui a opção de dois verbos é 3 Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente
a letra a. Analisando ainda a frase, temos o sujeito It as frases a seguir no Present Continuous:
que é acompanhado do verbo to be is e o verbo prin- I – The woman ________ (to wear) black clothes.
cipal to ring (tocar) que no gerúndio tem a forma II – Those boys ____________ (to look) at you.
ringing. Então, a resposta correta é a letra a. a) wearing / looking
b) is wear / are look
c) are wearing / is looking
2 Tendo como base o estudo do Present Continu- d) is wearing / are looking
ous e as frases a seguir, responda.
I – Many people are using bicycles for exercises.
II – Bikes are popular. 4 Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Our children
III – Exercises is only one of the reasons. are facing serious problems”?
IV – Many people prefer bicycles to cars. a) Not our children are facing serious problems.
Quantas frases estão no Present Continuos? b) Our children not are facing serious problems.
a) todas. c) Our children are not facing serious problems.
b) nenhuma. d) Our children aren’t are facing serious
c) uma. problems.
d) duas.
Resolução: Para uma frase estar no Present
Continuous, ela deve ter dois verbos: o verbo to be
no presente e o verbo principal com a terminação
ING. A primeira frase possui dois verbos: are using,
Editora Exato 27
5 Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The cat is Exercícios
running around the table”?
a) Running the cat is around the table? 1 A
b) Is the cat running around the table? 2 B
c) The is cat running around the table?
d) The cat is running around the table? 3 D
4 C
6 A frase “My sisters work so much” no Present 5 B
Continuous seria:
6 D
a) My sisters are work so much.
b) My sisters working so much. CURIOSITY (CURIOSIDADE)
c) My sisters is working so much.
d) My sisters are working so much. JEANS = Calça jeans
Editora Exato 28