Eusbio de Cesareia - Histria Eclesiastica - Livro Vii
Eusbio de Cesareia - Histria Eclesiastica - Livro Vii
Eusbio de Cesareia - Histria Eclesiastica - Livro Vii
Neste stimo livro da Igreja Histria , O grande bispo de Alexandria , Dionsio , ser novamente nos
ajudar por suas prprias palavras; relativas a assuntos diversos de seus tempo no epstolas que ele
deixou. Vou comear com eles.
uma mente , e alegrar-se grandemente na paz que vem alm das expectativas. Assim Demetrianus
em Antioquia , Theoctistus em Csarea , Mazabanes em Aelia , Marinus em Tiro ( Alexander ter
adormecido), Heliodoro em Laodicia ( Thelymidres mortos), Heleno em Tarso , E todos os igrejas
da Cilcia, Firmilianus , E todas as Cappadocia. Eu chamei apenas os mais ilustres bispos , que eu
no posso fazer o meu epstola muito tempo e as minhas palavras demasiado onerosa.
2. E todos Sria , e Saudita a que voc enviar ajuda quando necessrio, e para onde voc tem justo
escrito, Mesopotmia , Pontus , Bitnia E, em suma todos os lugares esto se regozijando e
glorificando Deus por unanimidade e fraterno amor . At o momento Dionsio .
3. Mas Stephen , Tendo enchido seu escritrio dois anos, foi sucedido por Xystus . Dionsio
escreveu-lhe um segundo epstola sobre o batismo , no qual ele mostra-lhe ao mesmo tempo, a
opinio e julgamento de Stephen e os outros bispos , e fala desta forma de Stephen :
4. Ele, portanto, havia escrito anteriormente sobre Heleno e Firmilianus , E todos aqueles da Cilcia
e Capadcia, e Galcia e as naes vizinhas, dizendo que ele no se comunicava com eles por esta
mesma causa , ou seja, que eles re- baptizado hereges . Mas considere a importncia do assunto .
5. Para verdadeiramente na maior snodos dos bispos , como eu aprender, decretos foram passados
sobre este assunto, que aqueles mais prximos de heresias devem ser instrudos, e em seguida deve
ser lavado e limpo da sujeira, do fermento velho e impuro. E eu escrevi pedindo-lhe todas estas
coisas. Mais adiante ele diz:
6. Escrevi tambm, em primeiro lugar em poucas palavras, recentemente, em muitos, para o nosso
amado companheiro presbteros , Dionsio e Philemon , que anteriormente ocupava a mesma
opinio que Stephen , E tinha escrito para mim sobre as mesmas matrias. Tanto no que diz respeito
controvrsia acima mencionados.
4. Em seguida, depois de dizer algumas coisas acerca de todo o heresias acrescenta: Recebi esta
regra e ordenana do nosso abenoado pai, Heraclas . Para aqueles que vieram de heresias , apesar
de terem apostatado da Igreja , Ou melhor, no havia apostatado , mas parecia encontrar-se com
eles, ainda foram acusados de recorrer a alguns falso professor -Quando ele expulsou-os da Igreja
ele no receb-los de volta, apesar dos pedidos para ele, at que eles tivessem publicamente todas as
coisas que tinham ouvido de seus adversrios, mas ento ele os recebeu sem exigir deles um outro
batismo . Pois antes haviam recebido o Esprito Santo dele.
5. Mais uma vez, depois de tratar a questo a fundo, ele acrescenta: Eu aprendi tambm que este
no uma prtica nova introduzida no frica sozinho, mas que mesmo h muito tempo nos tempos
da bispos diante de ns, este parecer foi adotado nos mais populosos igrejas , E em snodos dos
irmos em Icnio e Synnada, e por muitos outros. Para derrubar seus conselhos e jog-los em lutas
e contendas, no posso suportar. Pois , disse, 'Voc no deve remover marcos do teu prximo, que
teus pais fixaram. " Deuteronmio 19:14
6. Seu quarto epstola sobre o batismo foi escrito para Dionsio de Roma , Que era ento um
presbtero , mas no muito tempo depois recebeu o episcopado daquele igreja . evidente que se
afirma dele por Dionsio de Alexandria , Que ele tambm era um homem culto e admirvel. Entre
outras coisas, ele escreve para ele da seguinte forma sobre Novatus :
6. Alm destes, h tambm uma outra existente epstola do mesmo homem no batismo , dirigida por
ele e sua parquia para Xystus eo igreja em Roma . Nisso, ele considera a questo, em seguida,
agitada com o argumento estendida. E h ainda um outro sobrevivente, depois destas, dirigida ao
Dionsio de Roma , relativo Lucian . Tanto com referncia a estes.
convocou os mais diligentemente os que estavam na cidade, como se eu fosse com eles, sendo, por
assim dizer, "Ausente no corpo, mas presente em esprito . " 1 Corntios 5:03 Mas, em Cephro um
grande igreja se reuniram conosco dos irmos que nos seguiu da cidade, e aqueles que se juntaram a
ns a partir do Egito , e ali "Deus abriu uma porta para ns, para o Palavra . " Colossenses 4:3
13. No primeiro, foram perseguidos e apedrejados , mas depois no poucos dos gentios
abandonaram a dolos e virou-se para Deus . Pois at o tempo eles no tinham ouvido a Palavra ,
Desde que foi semeado em seguida, primeiro por ns.
14. E como se Deus trouxe-nos a eles para esse fim, quando tnhamos realizado esta ministrio ele
transferiu-nos para outro lugar. Para Emiliano, como ele apareceu, quis transportar-nos para rougher
e mais Lbia-like lugares; para que ele lhes ordenou para montar a partir de todos os quadrantes
Mareotis , e que lhes so atribudas vrias aldeias em todo o pas. Mas ele mandou-nos para ser
colocado mais perto da estrada que poderia ser apreendido em primeiro lugar. Para, evidentemente,
ele organizou e as questes preparadas para que sempre que ele quis aproveitar-nos que poderia
levar todos ns, sem dificuldade.
15. Quando fui obrigado a ir para Cephro Eu no sei onde o lugar era, e mal tinha ouvido falar o
nome, ainda fui prontamente e com alegria. Mas quando me disseram que eu era remover para o
distrito de Colluthion , aqueles que estavam presentes sabem como eu estava afetada.
16. Por aqui vou acusar-me. No comeo eu estava triste e muito perturbado, pois embora estes
lugares foram melhor conhecidas e mais familiar para ns, mas o pas estava a ser dito destitudo de
irmos e de homens de carter , E para ser exposto ao aborrecimentos dos viajantes e incurses dos
ladres .
17. Mas eu estava confortado quando os irmos lembrou-me que era mais perto da cidade, e que,
enquanto Cephro permitia-nos muito a relao sexual com os irmos do Egito , de modo que fomos
capazes de estender a Igreja de forma mais ampla, como este lugar era prximo da cidade que
devem gozar com mais freqncia aos olhos daqueles que foram verdadeiramente amados e mais
intimamente relacionadas e querido para ns . Para eles viriam e permanecer, e especial reunies
poderia ser realizada, como nos subrbios mais afastados. E assim ele saiu. Depois de outros
assuntos, ele escreve novamente da seguinte forma das coisas que aconteceu com ele:
18. Germano de fato orgulha-se de muitos confisses . Ele pode falar forsooth de muitas
adversidades que ele mesmo sofreu. Mas ele capaz de contar at quantos pudermos, de sentenas ,
confiscos , proscries , Pilhagem de bens , Perda de dignidade, desprezo mundanos da glria , a
desconsiderao da lisonjas dos governadores e dos vereadores, e perseverana das ameaas de
adversrios, de gritos, de perigos e perseguies , e vagando e angstia, e todos os tipos de
tribulao, tal como veio sobre mim sob Dcio e Sabino , e como continuar mesmo agora sob
Emiliano? Mas onde tem Germano foi visto? E o que conta l com ele?
19. Mas eu viro a partir desta grande loucura em que eu estou caindo por conta da Germano . E para
o mesmo razo Eu desistir de dar aos irmos que sabem que uma conta de tudo o que aconteceu.
20. O mesmo autor tambm no epstola para Domcio e Ddimo menciona alguns elementos da
perseguio da seguinte forma: Como nosso povo so muitos e desconhecido para voc, seria
suprfluo dar seus nomes, mas entender que homens e mulheres , jovens e velhos, donzelas e mes
de famlia, soldados e civis , De todas as raas e idade, alguns com aoites e fogo, outros pela
espada, conquistaram na luta e recebeu as suas coroas.
21. Mas, no caso de alguns muito longo tempo no foi suficiente para faz-los parecer aceitvel
para a Senhor ; Como, alis, parece que tambm no meu prprio caso, que suficiente tempo ainda
no decorrido. Portanto, ele reteve-me para o tempo que ele sabe ser montagem, dizendo: "Em um
nvel aceitvel tempo ouvi-lo, e no dia da salvao te ajudei voc. " Isaas 49:8
22. Para que voc tenha perguntou de nossos assuntos e desejo-nos para lhe dizer como estamos
situados, voc j ouviu falar que, quando totalmente, ou seja, eu e Gaius e Faustus e Peter e Paul -
Foram levados como prisioneiros por um centurio e magistrados, com seus soldados e servos,
certo pessoas a partir de Mareotis veio e arrastou-nos para longe pela fora, como no estavam
dispostos a segui-los.
23. Mas agora eu e Gaius e Peter esto sozinhos, privados dos outros irmos, e cale-se em um
deserto e em local seco Lbia , A jornada de trs dias de Partonium.
24. Ele diz mais adiante: Os presbteros , Maximus , Discoro , Demetrius E Lucius ocultaram-se na
cidade, e visitou os irmos secretamente, por Faustinus e Aquila , que so mais proeminentes no
mundo, esto vagando no Egito . Mas os diconos , Faustus , Eusbio E Chremon , sobreviveram
daqueles que morreram na peste. Eusbio aquele a quem Deus tem fortalecido e dotado do
primeiro ao cumprir energicamente as ministraes para o preso confessores , E para atender a
perigosa tarefa de preparar-se para enterro os corpos dos aperfeioado e abenoado mrtires .
25. Porque, como eu j disse ser Portanto, at o presente tempo o governador continua a colocar
morte de uma forma cruel aqueles que so levados a julgamento. E ele destri alguns com torturas,
e outros resduos de distncia com priso e ttulos, e ele sofre sem ningum para chegar perto deles,
e investiga se qualquer um faz isso. No obstante Deus d alvio aos aflitos atravs do zelo e
persistncia dos irmos.
26. At o momento Dionsio . Mas deve ser conhecido que Eusbio , A quem ele chama de dicono ,
pouco tempo depois tornou-se bispo da igreja de Laodicia na Sria ; e Maximus , De quem ele fala
como sendo, em seguida, um presbtero , conseguiu Dionsio a si mesmo como bispo de
Alexandria . Mas o Faustus que estava com ele, e que na tempo foi distinguido pela sua confisso ,
Foi preservado at a perseguio em nossos dias, quando est a ser muito velho e cheio de dias, ele
fechou sua vida pelo martrio , sendo decapitado. Mas como so as coisas que aconteceram naquela
tempo para Dionsio .
3. Eu dei isso em uma traduo do Latino , Que pode ser mais facilmente compreendida. Outro
decreto de sua sobrevivente destinadas a outros bispos , permitindo-lhes tomar posse de novo o
chamado cemitrios .
para Flavius , e outro para Domcio e Ddimo , no qual ele estabelece uma cnone de oito anos,
sustentando que no apropriado para observar a festa pascal , at aps o equincio vernal. Alm
destes, ele enviou outro epstola para seus companheiros presbteros em Alexandria , bem como
vrios outros de diferentes pessoas , enquanto a perseguio ainda estava em vigor.
were the mais antiga . But though they see the race of homens thus constantly diminishing and
wasting away, and though their complete destruction is increasing and advancing, they do not
11. Aps este epstola , when peace had been restored to the city, he wrote another festal carta to the
brethren in Egypt , and again several others besides this. And there is also a certo one extant On the
Sabbath , and another On Exerccio .
12. Moreover, he wrote again an epstola para Hermammon and the brethren in Egypt , describing at
length the wickedness of Decius and his sucessores , and mentioning the peace under Gallienus .
do not follow the Gospels , and treat lightly the apostlico epstolas , while they make promessas as
to the teaching of this work as if it were some great hidden mystery , and do not permit our simpler
brethren to have any sublime and lofty thoughts concerning the glorious and truly divine appearing
of our Senhor , and our ressurreio from the dead, and our being gathered together unto him, and
made like him, but on the contrary lead them to esperana for small and mortal things in the
kingdom of God , and for things such as existir agora since this is the case, it is necessrio that
we should dispute with our brother Nepos as if he were present. Mais em que ele diz:
6. When I was in the district of Arsnoe ;, where, as you know , this doutrina has prevailed for a
long tempo , De modo que cismas e apostasias of entire igrejas have resulted, I called together the
presbyters and teachers of the brethren in the villages such brethren as wished being also present
and I exhorted them to make a public examination of this question.
7. Accordingly when they brought me this book, as if it were a weapon and fortress impregnable,
sitting with them from morning till evening for three successive days, I endeavored to correct what
was written in it.
8. And I rejoiced over the constancy, sincerity, docility, and inteligncia of the brethren, as we
considered in order and with moderation the questions and the difficulties and the points of
agreement. And we abstiveram-se from defending in every manner and contentiously the opinions
which we had once held, unless they appeared to be correct. Nor did we evade objections, but we
endeavored as far as possible to hold to and confirmar the things which leigo before us, and if the
razo dado satisfeito us, we were not ashamed to change our opinions and agree with others; but on
the contrary, conscienciosamente and sincerely, and with hearts laid open before God , we accepted
whatever was established by the proofs and teachings of the Holy Scriptures .
9. And finally the author and mover of this teaching, who was called Coracion , in the hearing of all
the brethren that were present, acknowledged and testified to us that he would no longer hold this
opinion, nor discuss it, nor mention nor teach it, as he was fully convinced by the arguments against
it. And some of the other brethren expressed their gratification at the conference, and at the esprito
de conciliation e harmonia which all had manifested.
5. I do not measure and juiz them by my own razo , but leaving the more to faith I regard them as
too high for me to grasp. And I do not reject what I cannot comprehend, but rather wonder because I
do not understand it.
6. After this he examines the entire Livro de Revelao , and having proved that it is impossible to
understand it according to the literal sense, proceeds as follows:
Having finished all the prophecy , so to speak, the prophet pronounces those abenoado who shall
observe it, and also himself. For he says, 'Blessed is he that keeps the words of the prophecy of this
book, and I, John , who saw and heard these things.'
7. Therefore that he was called John , and that this book is the work of one John , I do not deny. And
I agree also that it is the work of a holy and inspirado o homem. But I cannot readily admit that he
was the apstolo , Filho de Zebedeu , the brother of James , by whom the Gospel of John and the
Catholic Epistle were written.
8. Pois eu juiz da carter of both, and the formas of expression, and the entire execution of the book,
that it is not his. Para the evangelist nowhere gives his name, or proclaims himself, either in the
Gospel or Epstola .
9. Mais on he adds:
Mas John never speaks as if referring to himself, or as if referring to another pessoa . But the author
of the Apocalipse introduces himself at the very beginning: 'The Revelao of Jesus Christ , which
he gave him to show unto his servants quickly; and he sent and significava it by his angel unto his
servant John , who bore witness of the word of God and of his testimony, even of all things that he
saw.' Revelation 1:1-2
10. Then he writes also an epstola : 'John to the seven igrejas which are in sia , grace be with you,
and peace.' Revelation 1:4 But the evangelist did not prefixo his name even to the Catholic Epistle ;
but without introduction he begins with the mystery of the divine revelao itself: 'That which was
from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes.' 1 John 1:1 For
because of such a revelao o Senhor tambm abenoado Peter , saying, 'Blessed are you, Simon
Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revelou it unto you, but my celestial Father.' Matthew 16:17
11. But neither in the reputado second or third epstola de John , though they are very short, does
the name John appear; but there is written the anonymous phrase, 'the elder.' But this author did not
consider it sufficient to give his name once and to proceed with his work; but he takes it up again: 'I,
John , who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the reino and in the patience
of Jesus Christ , was in the isle that is called Patmos for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus
.' Revelation 1:9 And toward the close he speaks thus: 'Blessed is he that keeps the words of the
prophecy of this book, and I, John , who saw and heard these things.'
12. But that he who wrote these things was called John must be believed , as he says it; but who he
was does not appear. For he did not say, as often in the Gospel , that he was the beloved disciple of
the Senhor , or the one who leigo on his breast, or the brother of James , or the eyewitness and
hearer of the Senhor .
13. For he would have spoken of these things if he had wished to show himself plainly. But he says
none of them; but speaks of himself as our brother and companion, and a witness of Jesus , and
abenoado because he had seen and heard the revelaes .
14. But I am of the opinion that there were many with the same name as the apstolo John , who, on
account of their love for him, and because they admired and emulated him, and desired to be amei
pelo Senhor as he was, took to themselves the same surname, as many of the children of the fiel are
called Paul or Peter .
15. For example, there is also another John , surnamed Marca , mentioned in the Atos da Apstolos ,
whom Barnabas and Paul took with them; of whom also it is said, 'And they had also John as their
attendant.' Acts 13:5 But that it is he who wrote this, I would not say. For it not written that he went
with them into sia , but, 'Now when Paul and his company set sail from Paphos , they came to
Perga em Pamphylia e John departing from them returned to Jerusalm .' Acts 13:13
16. But I think that he was some other one of those in sia ; as they say that there are two
monuments in Ephesus , each bearing the name of John .
17. And from the idias , and from the words and their arrangement, it may be reasonably
conjectured that this one is different from that one.
18. For the Gospel and Epstola agree with each other and begin in the same manner. The one says,
'In the beginning was the Word' ; John 1:1 the other, 'That which was from the beginning.' 1 John
1:1 The one: 'And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory , the
glory as of the only begotten of the Father'; John 1:14 the other says the same things slightly
altered: 'Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes; which we have looked upon and
our hands have handled of the Palavra da vida and the life was manifested.' 1 John 1:1-2
19. For he introduces these things at the beginning, maintaining them, as is evident from what
follows, in opposition to those who said that the Senhor had not come in the flesh. Wherefore also
he carefully adds, 'And we have seen and bear witness , and declare unto you the eternal life which
was with the Father and was manifested unto us. That which we have seen and heard declare we
unto you also.' 1 John 1:2-3
20. He holds to this and does not digress from his subject, but discusses everything under the same
heads and names some of which we vontade briefly mention.
21. Any one who examines carefully vontade find the phrases, 'the life,' 'the light,' 'turning from
darkness,' frequently occurring in both; also continually, ' truth ,' ' grace ,' ' joy ,' 'the flesh and blood
of the Senhor ,' 'the julgamento ,' 'the forgiveness of sins ,' 'the love of Deus toward us,' the
'commandment that we love one another,' that we should 'keep all the commandments' ; the
'conviction of the world, of the Devil , of Anti-Cristo ,' the 'promise of the Holy Spirit ,' the
'adoption of God ,' the ' faith continually required of us,' 'the Father and the Son ,' occur everywhere.
In fact, it is plainly to be seen that one and the same carter marks the Gospel and the Epstola por
toda parte.
22. Mas o Apocalipse is different from these writings and foreign to them; not touching, nor in the
least bordering upon them; almost, so to speak, without even a syllable in common with them.
23. Mais ainda, o Epstola for I pass by the Gospel does not mention nor does it contain any
intimation of the Apocalipse , nor does the Apocalipse da Epstola . But Paul , in his epstolas ,
gives some indication of his revelaes , though he has not written them out by themselves.
24. Moreover, it can also be shown that the diction of the Gospel and Epstola differs from that of
the Apocalipse .
25. For they were written not only without error as regards the Grego language, but also with
elegance in their expression, in their reasonings, and in their entire structure. They are far indeed
from betraying any barbarism or solecism, or any vulgaridade quer que seja. For the writer had, as it
seems, both the requisites of discourse that is, the dom of knowledge and the dom of expression
as the Senhor had bestowed them both upon him.
26. I do not deny that the other writer saw a revelao and received knowledge and prophecy . I
perceive, however, that his dialect and language are not accurate Grego , but that he uses barbarous
idioms , and, in some places, solecisms.
27. It is unnecessary to point these out here, for I would not have any one think that I have said
these things in a esprito of ridicule, for I have said what I have only with the purpose of showing
clearly the difference between the writings.
ducenarius rather than bishop ; and struts in the market-places, reading letters and reciting them as
he walks in public, attended by a bodyguard, with a multitude preceding and following him, so that
the faith is invejado and hated on account of his pride and altivez de corao 9. or in that he practices chicanice in ecclesiastical assemblies, contrives to glorificar himself, and
deceive with appearances, and astonish the mentes of the simple, preparing for himself a tribunal
and lofty throne, not like a disciple of Christ and possuindo a 'secretum,' like the rulers of
the world and so calling it, and striking his thigh with his hand, and stamping on the tribunal with
his feet or in that he rebukes and insults those who do not applaud, and shake their handkerchiefs
as in the teatros , and shout and leap about like the men and women that are stationed around him,
and hear him in this unbecoming manner, but who listen reverently and orderly as in the house of
God or in that he violentamente e grosseiramente assails in public the expounders of the Palavra
that have departed this life, and magnifies himself, not as a bishop , but as a sofista e malabarista ,
10. and stops the salmos to our Lord Jesus Christ , as being the modern productions of modern
homens , and trains women to sing salmos to himself in the midst of the igreja on the great day of
the pscoa , which any one might shudder to hear, and persuades the bishops and presbyters of the
neighboring districts and cities who fawn upon him, to advance the same idias in their discourses
to the people.
11. For to anticipate something of what we shall presently write, he is unwilling to acknowledge
that the Son of God has come down from cu . And this is not a mere assertion, but it is abundantly
proved from the records which we have sent you; and not least where he says ' Jesus Christ is from
below.' But those singing to him and extolling him among the people say that their impious teacher
has come down an angel from cu . And he does not forbid such things; but the arrogante man is
even present when they are uttered.
12. And there are the women , the 'subintroduct,' as the people of Antioch call them, belonging to
him and to the presbyters and deacons that are with him. Although he knows and has convicted
these homens , yet he connives at this and their other incurable sins , in order that they may be
bound to him, and through fear for themselves may not dare to accuse him for his wicked words and
deeds . But he has also made them rico ; on which account he is amei and admired by those who
covet such things.
13. We know , beloved, that the bishop and all the clergy should be an example to the people of all
bom funciona. And we are not ignorant how many have fallen or incurred suspicion, through the
women whom they have thus brought in. So that even if we should allow that he commits no
pecaminoso ato , yet he ought to avoid the suspicion which arises from such a thing, lest he
scandalize some one, or lead others to imitate him.
14. For how can he reprove or admonish another not to be too familiar with women lest he fall, as
it is written, when he has himself sent one away already, and now has two with him, blooming
and beautiful, and takes them with him wherever he goes, and at the same time lives in luxury and
15. Because of these things all mourn and lament by themselves; but they so fear his tyranny and
power, that they dare not accuse him.
16. But as we have said, while one might call the man to account for this conduct, if he held the
Catholic doutrina and was numbered with us, since he has scorned the mystery and struts about in
the abominable heresy of Artemas (for why should we not mention his father?), we think it
unnecessary to demand of him an explanation of these things.
17. Afterwards, at the close of the epstola , they add these words:
Therefore we have been compelled to excommunicate him, since he sets himself against God , and
refuses to obey ; and to appoint in his place another bishop for the Catholic Church . By divine
direction, as we believe , we have appointed Domnus , who is adorned with all the qualidades
becoming in a bishop , and who is a son of the abenoado Demetrianus , who formerly presided in a
distinguished manner over the same parquia . We have informed you of this that you may write to
him, and may receive letters of comunho from him. But let this man write to Artemas ; and let
those who think as Artemas does, communicate with him.
18. As Paul had fallen from the episcopate , as well as from the orthodox faith , Domnus , as has
been said, became bishop of the igreja em Antioquia .
19. But as Paul refused to surrender the igreja building, the Emperor Aureliano foi peticionou ; and
he decided the assunto most equitably, ordering the building to be given to those to whom the
bishops of Italy and of the city of Rome should adjudge it. Thus this man was driven out of the
igreja , with extreme disgrace, by the worldly power.
20. Such was Aurelian's treatment of us at that tempo ; but in the course of his reign he changed his
mente in regard to us, and was moved by certo advisers to institute a persecution against us. And
there was great talk about this on every side.
21. But as he was about to do it, and was, so to speak, in the very ato de assinatura o decretos
against us, the divine julgamento came upon him and restrained him at the very beira of his
undertaking, showing in a manner that all could see clearly, that the rulers of this world can never
find an opportunity against the igrejas of Christ , except the hand that defends them permits it, in
divine and celestial julgamento , for the sake of disciplina and correction, at such times as it sees
22. After a reign of six years, Aureliano was succeeded by Probus . He reigned for the same number
of years, and Carus , with his sons, Carinus and Numerianus, succeeded him. After they had reigned
less than three years the government devolved on Diocletian , and those associated with him. Under
them took place the persecution of our tempo , and the destruction of the igrejas connected with it.
23. Shortly before this, Dionsio , bishop of Rome , after holding office for nine years, died, and
was succeeded by Felix .
2. About the same time Timus received the episcopate of Antioch after Domnus , e Cyril , who
lived in our day, succeeded him. Em seu tempo we became acquainted with Dorotheus , a man of
learning among those of his day, who was honored with the office of presbyter in Antioch . He was
a lover of the beautiful in divine things, and devoted himself to the Hebraico language, so that he
read the Hebraico Escrituras with facility.
3. He belonged to those who were especially liberal , and was not unacquainted with Grego
propdeutics. Besides this he was a eunuch, having been so from his very birth. On this account, as
if it were a miracle , the imperador took him into his family , and honored him by placing him over
the purple dye-works at Tyre . We have heard him expound the Scriptures wisely in the Church .
4. Depois Cyril , Tyrannus recebido the episcopate of the parquia of Antioch . Em seu tempo
occurred the destruction of the igrejas .
5. Eusbio , who had come from the city of Alexandria , ruled the parquias of Laodicea after
Scrates . The occasion of his removal there was the affair of Paul . He went on this account to
Syria , and was restrained from returning home by those there who were zealous in divine things.
Among our contemporaries he was a beautiful example of religio , as is readily seen from the
words of Dionsio which we have quoted.
6. Anatlio was appointed his sucessor ; one bom man, as they say, following another. He also was
an Alexandrian by birth. In learning and skill in Grego philosophy , such as arithmetic and
geometry, astronomia , and dialectics in general, as well as in the theory of fsica , he stood first
among the ablest homens da nossa tempo , and he was also at the head in rhetorical cincia . It is
reported that for this reason he was requested by the citizens of Alexandria to establish there a
escola de Aristotlico filosofia .
7. They relate of him many other eminent deeds during the siege of the Pyrucheium in Alexandria ,
on account of which he was especially honored by all those in high office; but I will give the
following only as an example.
8. They say that bread had failed the besieged, so that it was more difficult to withstand the famine
than the enemy outside; but he being present provided for them in this manner. As the other part of
the city was allied with the Romano army, and therefore was not under siege, Anatlio enviado para
Eusebius, for he was still there before his transfer to Syria , and was among those who were not
besieged, and possessed, moreover, a great reputation and a renowned name which had reached
even the Romano geral and he informed him of those who were perishing in the siege from
9. When he learned this he requested the Romano commander as the greatest possible favor, to grant
safety to deserters from the enemy. Having obtained his request, he communicated it to Anatlio .
As soon as he received the message he convened the senate of Alexandria , and at first proposed
that all should come to a reconciliation with the Romanos . But when he perceived that they were
angered by this advice, he said, But I do not think you will oppose me, if I counsel you to send the
supernumeraries and those who are in nowise useful to us, as old women and children and old
homens , outside the gates, to go wherever they may please. For why should we retain for no
purpose these who must at any rate soon die? And why should we destroy with hunger those who
are crippled and maimed in body, when we ought to provide only for homens and youth, and to
distribute the necessrio bread among those who are needed for the garrison of the city?
10. With such arguments he persuaded the assembly, and ascenso first he gave his vote that the
entire multitude, whether of homens or women , who were not needful for the army, should depart
from the city, because if they remained and unnecessarily continued in the city, there would be for
them no esperana of safety, but they would perish with famine.
11. As all the others in the senate agreed to this, he salvo almost all the besieged. He provided that
first, those belonging to the igreja , and afterwards, of the others in the city, those of every age
should escape, not only the classes included in the decree, but, under cover of these, a multitude of
others, secretly clothed in women's garments; and through his management they went out of the
gates by night and escaped to the Romano acampamento. L Eusbio , like a father and physician,
received all of them, wasted away through the long siege, and restored them by every kind of
prudence and care.
12. O igreja of Laodicea was honored by two such pastores em sucesso , who, in the providence of
God , came after the aforesaid war from Alexandria to that city.
13. Anatlio did not write very many works; but in such as have come down to us we can discern
his eloquence and erudition. In these he states particularly his opinions on the pscoa . It seems
important to give here the following extracts from them.
14. From the Paschal Canons de Anatolius . There is then in the first year the new moon of the first
month, which is the beginning of every cycle of nineteen years, on the twenty-sixth day of the
Egyptian Phamenoth ; but according to the months of the Macednios , the twenty-second day of
Dystrus , or, as the Romanos would say, the eleventh before the Calendas de Abril .
15. On the said twenty-sixth of Phamenoth , the sun is found not only entered on the first segment,
but already passing through the fourth day in it. They are accustomed to call this segment the first
dodecatomorion , and the equinox, and the beginning of months, and the head of the cycle, and the
starting-point of the planetrio circuito. But they call the one preceding this the last of months, and
the twelfth segment, and the final dodecatomorion , and the end of the planetrio circuito.
Wherefore we maintain that those who place the first month in it, and determine by it the fourteenth
of the pscoa , commit no slight or common mancada .
16. And this is not an opinion of our own; but it was known to the Jews of old, even before Cristo ,
and was carefully observed by them. This may be learned from what is said by Philo , Josephus ,
and Musaeus ; and not only by them, but also by those yet more ancient, the two Agathobuli,
surnamed 'Masters,' and the famous Aristbulo , who was chosen among the seventy interpreters of
the sagrado and divine Hebraico Escrituras por Ptolomeu Filadelfo and his father, and who also
dedicado sua exegtica books on the law of Moses to the same kings.
17. These writers, explaining questions in regard to the xodo , say that all alike should sacrifice the
pscoa ofertas after the vernal equinox, in the middle of the first month. But this occurs while the
sun is passing through the first segment of the solar, or as some of them have styled it, the zodiacal
circle. Aristbulo adds that it is necessrio para o festa da pscoa , that not only the sun should pass
through the equinoctial segment, but the moon also.
18. For as there are two equinoctial segmentos , the vernal and the outonal , directly opposite each
other, and as the day of the pscoa was appointed on the fourteenth of the month, beginning with
the evening, the moon vontade hold a position diametrically opposite the sun, as may be seen in full
moons; and the sun will be in the segment of the vernal equinox, and of necessidade the moon in
that of the outonal .
19. I know that many other things have been said by them, some of them probable, and some
approaching absoluto demonstration, by which they endeavor to provar that it is altogether
necessrio to keep the pscoa eo festa de sem fermento bread after the equinox. But I refrain from
demanding this sort of demonstration for matters from which the veil of the Mosaico lei has been
removed, so that now at length with uncovered face we continually behold as in a glass Cristo and
the teachings and sufferings of Christ . 2 Corinthians 3:18 But that with the Hebreus the first month
was near the equinox, the teachings also of the Book of Enoch show.
20. The same writer has also left the Institutos de Aritmtica , in ten books, and other evidences of
his experience and proficiency in divine things.
21. Theotecnus , bishop of Csarea in Palestine , first ordenado him as bishop , designing to make
him his sucessor em sua prpria parquia after his death. And for a short time both of them presided
over the same igreja . Mas o snodo which was held to consider Paul's case called him to Antioch ,
and as he passed through the city of Laodicea , Eusbio being dead, he was detained by the brethren
22. E depois Anatlio had departed this life, the last bishop of that parquia before the persecution
was Stephen , who was admired by many for his knowledge of philosophy and other Grego de
aprendizagem. But he was not equally devoted to the divine faith , as the progress of the persecution
manifested; for it showed that he was a cowardly and unmanly dissembler rather than a true
philosopher .
23. But this did not seriously injure the igreja , Para Theodotus restored their affairs, being
straightway made bishop of that parquia by God himself, the Salvador de todos. Ele justificado by
his deeds both his lordly nome and his office of bishop . For he excelled in the medical art for
bodies, and in the healing art for souls . Nor did any other man equal him in kindness, sincerity,
sympathy, and zeal in helping such as needed his aid. He was also greatly devoted to divine
learning. Such an one was he.
24. In Csarea in Palestine , Agapius conseguiu Theotecnus , who had most zealously performed
the deveres of his episcopate . Him too we know to have labored diligently, and to have manifested
most genuine providence in his oversight of the people, particularly caring for all the pobre com
liberal mo.
25. Em seu tempo we became acquainted with Pamphilus , that most eloquent man, of truly
philosophical life, who was esteemed worthy of the office of presbyter in that parquia . It would be
no small assunto to show what sort of a man he was and whence he came. But we have described, in
our special work concerning him, all the particulars of his life, and of the escola which he
established, and the trials which he endured in many confisses during the persecution , and the
crown of martyrdom with which he was finally honored . But of all that were there he was indeed
the most admirable.
26. Among those nearest our times, we have known Pierius , of the presbyters in Alexandria , and
Meletius , bishop of the igrejas in Pontus rarest of homens .
27. The first was distinguished for his life of extreme pobreza and his philosophic learning, and was
exceedingly diligent in the contemplation and exposition of divine things, and in public discourses
in the igreja . Meletius , whom the learned called the honey of Attica , was a man whom every one
would describe as most accomplished in all kinds of learning; and it would be impossible to admire
sufficiently his rhetorical skill. It might be said that he possessed this by natureza ; but who could
surpass the excellence of his great experience and erudition in other respects?
28. For in all branches of knowledge had you undertaken to try him even once, you would have said
that he was the most skillful and learned. Moreover, the virtues of his life were not less remarkable.
We observed him well in the time of the persecution , when for seven full years he was escaping
from its fury in the regions of Palestina .
29. Zambdas received the episcopate of the igreja de Jerusalm after the bishop Hymenus , whom
we mentioned a little above. He died in a short time, and Hermon , the last before the persecution in
our day, succeeded to the apostlico chair, which has been preserved there until the present tempo .
30. Em Alexandria , Maximus , who, after the death of Dionsio , had been bishop for eighteen
years, was succeeded by Theonas . Em seu tempo Aquilas , who had been appointed a presbyter in
Alexandria at the same time with Pierius , became celebrated. He was placed over the escola da
sagrado faith , and exhibited fruits of philosophy most rare and inferior to none, and conduct
genuinely evangelical.
31. Depois Theonas had held the office for nineteen years, Peter received the episcopate in
Alexandria , and was very eminent among them for twelve entire years. Of these he governed the
igreja less than three years before the persecution , and for the remainder of his life he subjected
himself to a more rigid disciplina and cared in no secret manner for the general interesse da igrejas .
On this account he was beheaded in the ninth year of the persecution , and was adorned with the
crown of martyrdom .
32. Having written out in these books the account of the sucesses from the birth of our Salvador to
the destruction of the places of worship, a period of three hundred and five years, permit me
to pass on to the contests of those who, in our day, have heroically fought for religio , and to leave
in writing, for the information of posterity, the extent and the magnitude of those conflicts.